Directed numbers: Multiplication and Division of Integers

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This pdf covers the addition and subtraction of directed numbers in detail with examples for better understanding. An integer is a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero. Examples of integers are: -5, 1, 5, 8, 97, and 3,043.
1. Math 0300
Multiplication and Division of Integers
Multiplication of Integers
When 5 is multiplied by a sequence of decreasing 5(3) = 15
integers, each product decreases by 5. 5(2) = 10
5(1) = 5
5(0) = 0
The pattern developed can be continued so that 5 is 5(-1) = -5
multiplied by a sequence of negative numbers. To 5(-2) = -10
maintain the pattern of decreasing by 5, the resulting 5(-3) = -15
products must be negative. 5(-4) = -20
This example illustrates that the product of a positive
number and a negative number is negative.
When –5 is multiplied by a sequence of decreasing -5(3) = -15
integers, each product increases by 5. -5(2) = -10
-5(1) = -5
-5(0) = 0
The pattern developed can be continued so that –5 -5(-1) = 5
is multiplied by a sequence of negative numbers. -5(-2) = 10
to maintain the pattern of increasing by 5, the resulting -5(-3) = 15
products must be positive. -5(-4) = 20
This example illustrates that the product of two negative
numbers is positive.
The proceeding pattern is summarized in the following rule for multiplying integers.
Rule for Multiplying Two Integers:
TO MULTIPLY INTEGERS WITH THE SAME SIGN, multiply the absolute value
of the factors. The product is positive.
value of the factors. The product is negative.
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2. Math 0300
Multiply: -9(12) = ?
The signs are different. The product is negative. -9(12) = -108
Multiply: (-6)(-15) = ?
The signs are the same. The product is positive. (-6)(-15) = 90
The properties of multiplication presented in Chapter 1 hold true for integers as well as
whole numbers. These properties are repeated below.
The Multiplication Property of Zero
a * 0 = 0 or 0 * a = 0
The Multiplication Property of One
a * 1 = a or 1 * a = a
The Commutative Property of Multiplication
a * b = b* a
The Associative Property of Multiplication
(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
Multiply: 2(-3)(-5)(-7)
Multiply the first two numbers. = -6(-5)(-7)
Then multiply the product by the third number. = 30(-7)
Continue until all the numbers have been multiplied = -210
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3. Math 0300
By the Multiplication Property of One, 1 * 6 = 6 and 1 * x = x. Applying the rules for
multiplication, we can extend this to 1 * -6 = -6 and 1 * -x = -x.
Evaluate: – ab when a = –2 and b = – 9.
Replace a with –2 and b with – 9. – (– 2)(– 9)
Simplify – (–2) = 2(– 9)
Multiply. = – 18
Is – 4 a solution of the equation 5x = –20? 5x = – 20
Replace x with – 4 and then simplify. 5(– 4) = – 20
The results are equal. –20 = –20
Yes, – 4 is a solution of the equation.
Division of Integers:
For every division problem, there is a related Multiplication problem.
Division 8/2 = 4 Related multiplication: 4(2) = 8
This fact can used to illustrate a rule for dividing Integers.
12/3 = 4 because 4(3) = 12 and
-12/-3 = 4 because 4(-3) = -12
These two division examples suggest that the quotient of two numbers with the same
sign is positive.
Now consider these two examples.
12/–3 = – 4 because – 4(–3) = 12 and
–12/3 = – 4 because – 4(3) = –12
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4. Math 0300
These two division examples suggest that the quotient of two numbers with different
signs is negative. This property is summarized next.
Take Note:
Recall that the fraction bar can be read “divided by.”
Therefore, 8/2 can be read as “8 divided by 2.”
Rule for Dividing Two Integers:
values of the numbers. The quotient is positive.
absolute values of the numbers. The quotient is negative.
Note from this rule that 12/–3 and –12/3 are equal to – 4.
If a and b are integers ( b is not equal 0 ), then a/-b = -a/b.
Divide: -36/9 = ?
The signs are different. The quotient is negative. -36/9 = -4
Divide: (-105)/(-5) = ?
The signs are the same. The quotient is positive. (-105)/(-5) = 21
Division Properties of Zero and One:
If a is not equal to 0, then 0/a = 0.
If a is not equal to 0, then a/a = 1.
If b is not equal to 0, then a/b = a * 1/b
a/1 = a
a/0 is undefined
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5. Math 0300
Evaluate a / (-b) when a = –28 and b = – 4 a/(-b)
Replace a with –28 and b with – 4 – 28 ÷ (– (– 4))
Simplify – (– 4). –28 ÷ 4
Divide. –7
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