English Colonies in America and their Conflicts

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This booklet depicts the history of the thirteen colonies in Early America, describes the contributions of geographic and economic conditions, religion, and colonial systems of government to the development of American democratic practices.
1. Life in early America
Describe the contributions of geographic and economic
conditions, religion, and colonial systems of
government to the development of American
democratic practices.
Describe the geography, cultures, and economics of the
Southern, Middle Atlantic, and New England Colonies.
Describe interactions (e.g., agricultural and cultural
exchanges, alliances, conflicts) between Native
Americans and European settlers.
2. Jessica Giuliani
3. Colony – What is a colony?
A settlement in a new area.
The first colonies in North America
were along the eastern coast.
Settler – What is a settler?
A person that moves to an area,
usually to colonize. .
Settlers came from Spain, France,
5. • Some people didn’t like,
or agree with, the
Church of England.
• They wanted the Church
to be more pure. These
people were called
• They decided to start a
colony in the North East
part of America.
6. • Wealth and resources
• New beginning
• Get out of debt
• Escape political
7. Each colony was unique in it’s characteristics. However, they
are grouped together based on location, reasons they were
founded, and what types of industries they had.
New England Colonies
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
Middle Colonies
New York
New Jersey
Southern Colonies
North Carolina
South Carolina
9. Frontier– What is a frontier?
Lands beyond the areas already
Colonists would expand their settlements
beyond what was already colonized by heading
in a westerly direction. Sometimes this
expansion would cause conflicts with Native
Charter – What is a charter?
10. The settlers here wanted to
keep their family together and
practice their own religions.
They were used to doing
many things themselves and
not depending on other
people for much.
Some were looking for
economic opportunities.
Some starting fishing
11. People in New
England towns lived,
worked, and
worshiped close
People used a barter
system instead of
money. This means
to trade goods.
The meetinghouse
12. Women and girls spent
hours cooking and
preparing food.
They churned butter
and dried fruits. This
food was stored to last
through the winter.
They used animal fat
to make candles and
13. -farming and fishing
-made their own
clothes and shoes
-corn and wheat grew
in large numbers and
much was shipped to
14. By 1750, busy cities cropped up around the
New England colonies.
Some colonists lived in small towns
15. One room
One teacher
Very strict,
children were
often whipped for
The main subject
was reading
17. Refuge– What is refuge?
A safe place.
Many colonists longed to find a refuge to
live and worship that was away from the
18. Immigrant– What is an
A person that comes into a country
to start a new life.
People came to America from many
different places to start a new life.
Diversity– What is diversity?
A group of people from very different
19. The settlers here were
looking to practice their own
religion or to make money.
Many of these people didn't
bring their families with them
from England and were the
perfect workers for the hard
work required in ironworks
and shipyards.
20. -These Colonies
were part
agriculture, part
-Wheat and other
grains were grown
produced iron,
paper and textiles
21. -Sometimes called the
“The Bread Basket”
colonies because they
grew so many crops
for making bread.
-In addition to the lush
land for growing crops,
there were several
large harbors.
22. -Settlers that lived
here came from
many different
places and
-Dutch, Swedish,
French, Belgian,
English, and more!
Many lived in
23. -Believed all people
were equal
-Refused to swear
loyalty to the king or
-Refused to participate
in war
-Came to the Americas
for refuge and worship
25. Overseer– What is a overseer?
Someone that was hired to watch
slaves as they worked.
Plantation owners hired overseers to
watch the slaves and make sure they did
their jobs.
Indigo– What is indigo?
A plant that was used in making blue
26. The settlers here, for the most
part, wanted to make money.
They brought their families
and they kept their them
together on the plantations.
But their main reason for
being here was to make the
good money.
27. -almost entirely
-plantations were
-a large part of the
workforce was
African slaves
-plantations grew
28. -Slavery was legal
-Children born to
slaves became
slave themselves
families were
broken apart and
sold to other
plantation owners
30. • Boys normally went to
grammar schools while
girls went to dame school.
• There were no
chalkboards, maps, or
• School teachers were
strict and were allowed to
hit their students or make
them wear a dunce hat if
they were bad or said the
wrong answer.
31. In the New England colonies,
children were taught to read so
they could study the Bible. Boys
got to also learn Latin and Math
and other subjects to get into
college. Girls could learn to read,
but they weren't allowed to go to
grammar school or to college.
In the Middle Colonies, most
schools were private. Students
also learned other subjects so
they could get into college. Girls
weren't allowed to attend (unless
they were Quakers).
In the Southern Colonies, children
were mostly taught at home. As in
the other colonies, Southern girls
did not go to higher schooling.
33. As colonists settled and spread across New England, they entered
land that was already lived on by Native Americans.
34. The Native Americans and
colonists began attacking each
other’s villages.
They had very different ideas
about owning land. Natives
believed no one could own land
while colonists believed you
could own it if you claim it.
Arguments began to lead to war
resulting in lives lost. Some
tribes were nearly completely
wiped out.
35. Colony settler frontier charter
Refuge immigrant diversity overseer
36. Colony settler frontier charter
Refuge immigrant diversity overseer
1. A plant used to make blue 6. A safe place.
7. A person that comes into a
2. Someone hired to watch country to start a new life.
8.A person that settled in the
3. An official piece of paper. colonies.
4. The area west of a colony that 9.The word from when people
is to be settled. are from all different
37. 1. Indigo
2. Overseer
3. Charter
4. Frontier
5. Colony
6. Refuge
7. Immigrant
8. Settler
9. Diversity
38. Decide which are facts and which are opinions.
On the next slide, decide if the statement is fact or opinion.
Then, tell why.
Fact: A state that is supported by evidence
and is true.
Opinion: A statement that tells what a
person might believe or feel.
39. Decide which are facts and which are opinions.
1. The settlers traded goods with each other. FACT
2. Farming families were the best workers. OPINION
3. Slaves were owned by plantation owners. FACT
4. Leaders during this time were excellent speakers. OPINION
5. The Quakers had the best ideas about religion. OPINION
6. If children misbehaved in school, they would be punished. FACT
7. Trading is a better way to run a community than using money. OPINION
8. The Southern colonies had many plantations. FACT
40. Write 3 facts and 3 opinions about the colonists and
their lives by making a t-chart.
41. OBJECTIVE: Students will write an historical fiction paragraph in
the form of a journal entry.
Step 1: Imagine you are a colonist from either the New England,
Middle, or Southern colonies.
Step 2: Write a journal entry of your life during this time.
It should be a few paragraphs long.
Step 3: Include your thoughts, feelings, activities around you, conflicts,
daily life, etc.
Hint; use a combination of the notes your took from this presentation, research
from your Social Studies book, library books, or internet to assist you in your facts.
42. 1 2 3 4
Too short, less than 7 - 10 total 11 - 15 total Appropriate length
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split into 2
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