This pdf provides us with information about transparent, translucent, and opaque objects. Glass, for example, is transparent to all visible light. Translucent objects allow some light to travel through them. Materials like frosted glass and some plastics are called translucent. Opaque objects block light from traveling through them.
2. Transparent If an object is transparent, it means light completely passes through it and you can see clearly through it.
3. Translucent If an object is translucent, it means that some light passes through it but the light is scattered so you can’t see clearly through it.
4. Opaque If an object is opaque, it means no light can pass through it. It blocks the light.
5. What Do You Think? Look at these objects and decide if you think they are translucent, transparent or opaque.
6. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 1. A window Which one is a window? Transparent Translucent Opaque
7. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 1. A window Transparent
8. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 2. Sunglasses Which one is the glasses? Transparent Translucent Opaque
9. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 2. Sunglasses Translucent
10. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 3. A book Which one is the book?. Transparent Translucent Opaque
11. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 3. A book Opaque
12. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 4. Ice cubes Which one is the ice cubes? Transparent Translucent Opaque
13. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 4. Ice cubes Translucent
14. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 5. A glass jar Which one is the glass jar? Transparent Translucent Opaque
15. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 5. A glass jar Transparent
16. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 6. A coat Which one is the coat? Transparent Translucent Opaque
17. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 6. A coat Opaque
18. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 7. A lamp shade Which one is the lamp shade? Transparent Translucent Opaque
19. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 7. A lamp shade Translucent
20. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 8. An apple Which one is the apple? Transparent Translucent Opaque
21. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 8. An apple Opaque
22. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 9. A bottle of water Which one is the bottle? Transparent Translucent Opaque
23. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 9. A bottle of water Transparent
24. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 10. A table Which one is the table? Transparent Translucent Opaque
25. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 10. A table Opaque
26. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 11. A stained glass window Which one is the stained glass window? Transparent Translucent Opaque
27. Transparent, Translucent or Opaque? 11. A stained glass window Translucent
28. Home Task Can you find objects around the house and sort them into the different categories – Transparent, Translucent, Opaque. You could: *Create a table to record your results *Design an information poster *Create a PowerPoint Presentation like this one.