Identifying Angles: Acute Angle, Right Angle and Obtuse Angle

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This pdf contains:-
Naming of Angles
Interior and Exterior Angles

1. Ch 3
2. 3.1
3. Opposite Rays
 Opposite Rays –
 Rays that are part of the same line and have only their
endpoint in common
XY and XZ
 Also called straight angle
4.  Another case when two rays share an endpoint…
 Angle –
 A figure formed by two noncollinear rays that have a
common endpoint
 Vertex – common endpoint
 Sides – rays that make up angle
 Three ways to name:
 Three points (vertex in middle)
 Vertex only
 A number
5.  Name the angle in four ways. Then identify its
vertex and its sides.
6. Naming Angles
 If more than one angle share a vertex, name the
angle with three points or a number
7.  Name all angles having D as their vertex.
8.  Angle separates a plane into three regions
 Interior of the angle
 Exterior of the angle
 Angle itself
9.  Tell whether each point is in the interior,
exterior, or on the angle.
10.  P92: 1 – 32 (omit 30)
 21 – 23: if false, tell why
 Read P95, #1 – 3
11. 3-2
Angle Measure
12. Angle Measure
 Degree –
 Unit that angles are measured in
 1/360th of a circle
 Symbol: °
 mPQR reads ‘the measure of angle PQR’
 Reason why there is no degree sign, because it is a measure
and not a measurement
13. Postulate 3-1: Angles Measure
14.  Protractor –
 Geometric tool used to measure angles and sketch
angles of given measure
15.  Use a protractor to measure angle KLM.
16.  Use a protractor to  Find the measure of
measure ∠CDF. ∠PQR, ∠PQS, and
17. Postulate 3-2: Protractor Postulate
 Meaning: from a given ray, there are two ways to
draw an angle with a given angle measure
18.  Use a protractor to draw an angle having a
measure of 35.
 Use a protractor to draw an angle having a
measure of 65.
19. Classifying Angles
 Types of Angles:
 Right Angle – measure is 90
 Acute Angle – measure is less than 90
 Obtuse Angle – measure is more than 90
20.  Classify each angle as acute, obtuse, or right
21.  The measure of angle A is 100. Solve for x.
 The measure of angle B is 138. Solve for x.
22.  P100: 1, 2 (use P99), 4 – 25, 31 – 37
 3.1/3.2 Wkst
23. Ch 3 Investigation
 Those Magical Midpoint
 P102: 1 – 2
24. 3-3
The Angle Addition Postulate
25. Hands-On Geometry
 P104: Follow steps, answer questions
26. Postulate 3-3: Angle Addition Postulate
(AA Postulate)
29.  Find m∠ABC if
m∠ABD = 70 and
m∠DBC = 43.
 If m∠EBC = 55 and
m∠EBD = 20, find
 Find m∠ABD if
m∠ABC = 110 and
m∠2 = 36.
30. Angle Bisector
33. Hands-On Geometry
 P107: follow steps, answer questions
34.  P108: 1 – 24, 26 – 30
35. 3-4
36. Adjacent Angles
38. Linear Pair
39.  Name the angle that
forms a linear pair
with ∠TCM.
 Do ∠1 and ∠TCE
form a linear pair?
Justify your
40.  The John Hancock Center in Chicago, Illinois,
contains many types of angles. Describe the
highlighted angles.
41.  P112: 1, 3 – 21, 23 – 27
 Read P115
42. 3-5
Complementary and Supplementary
43. Complementary Angles
44. Complementary Angles
45. Supplementary Angles
46. Supplementary Angles
47.  Name two pairs of complementary angles.
 Name a pair of adjacent angles.
48.  Name a pair of nonadjacent supplementary
 Find the measure of an angle that is
supplementary to angle BGC.
49.  Angles C and D are supplementary. If m∠C =
12x and m∠D = 4(x + 5), find x. Then find
m∠C and m∠D.
50. Postulate 3-4: Supplement Postulate
51.  If m∠3 = 115 and ∠3 and ∠4 form a linear pair,
find m∠4.
52.  P119: 1 – 37
53. 3-6
Congruent Angles
54. Congruent Angles
55. Vertical Angles
56. Theorem 3-1: Vertical Angle Theorem
57.  Find x.
60.  Suppose ∠A ≅ ∠B  In the figure below,
and m∠B = 47. Find ∠1 is supplementary
the measure of an to ∠2, ∠3 is
angle that is supplementary to ∠2,
supplementary to ∠A. and m2∠ = 105.
Find m∠1 and m∠3.
63.  P125: 1 (with compass), 4 – 22, 24 – 28
64. 3-7
Perpendicular Lines
65. Perpendicular Lines
66. Looking at a Proof
67. Theorem 3-8
70. Hands-On Geometry
 P130
 Follow steps
 Answer Questions
71. Theorem 3-9
 Can there be another perpendicular to a line
through a certain point?
72.  P131: 1, 3 – 27, 29 – 33
73.  P134: 1 – 39
 P137: 1 – 20
74. String Art Project