Important Components of Materials Science

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Cambridge Online Tuition
Materials scientists study the connections between the underlying structure of a material, its properties, its processing methods and its performance in applications
1. Name: Date:
total marks
Science Assessment Year 5: Changes of Material
Properties of Materials
1 mark
1. Name two natural materials:
2. Write the meaning of these properties of materials:
a) permeable
b) flexible
c) absorbent
2 marks
3. Name two properties of each of these materials which make them good for these jobs:
a) Nylon fabric used for an umbrella:
b) Glass used for a greenhouse:
c) Plastic used for making electrical plugs:
3 marks
4. Tick all the materials that will dissolve in water:
salt pepper sugar cooking oil
tea leaves instant coffee jelly crystals sand
2 marks
total for
this page
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2. 2
5. What is the correct scientific word for:
a) Describing something that does not dissolve in water?
b) Water or another liquid with something dissolved into it?
2 marks
6. Name two things that would make a solid dissolve quicker in water:
1 mark
7. I have a mixture of salty water, fine sand and gravel. If I didn’t want to keep the
water at the end, what three steps would I take to separate them and in what order?
Fill in this table to show what you would do:
What process would I What special equipment What would this
carry out? would I need? remove?
1st step
2nd step
3rd step
3 marks
8. Tick all the changes below that are irreversible:
Dissolving salt in Making bread
Frying an egg Melting chocolate
water into toast
Freezing water to Mixing vinegar and Water turning
Burning wood
make ice bicarbonate of soda into steam 2 marks
total for
this page
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3. 3
Keeping Warm Investigation
A group of children wanted to design a container to keep a jacket potato warm. They needed 1 mark
to test which material would be the best insulator.
They decided to wrap warm jacket potatoes in different materials to see which kept the
potato the warmest for the longest time.
9. Which variable will be kept the same?
1 mark
10. Which variable will change?
1 mark
11. What safety issue would the children need to consider?
1 mark
12. Why did the group decide to test a potato with nothing wrapped round it?
1 mark
Here are the results of the investiagation:
Oven Potato temperature
after 20
temperature after 40 minutes
Potato wrapped
200°C 85°C 54°C 55°C
in nothing
Potato wrapped
200°C 91°C 82°C 71°C
in tin foil
Potato wrapped
200°C 92°C 84°C 76°C
in newspaper
Potato wrapped
200°C 96°C 92°C 88°C
in cotton wool
total for
this page
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4. 4
13. Look at the table and decide:
a) What should the title of the last column be?
b) Which result looks like an anomaly?
c) What would your prediction be for the potato wrapped in cotton wool after 80
3 marks
14. Which material would you use to wrap the jacket potato and why?
1 mark
**END OF TEST** total for
this page
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5. Science Assessment Year 5: Change of Materials Answers
question answer marks notes
1. Name two natural materials.
• Wood
• Stone
1 mark for 2 correct.
• Cotton
1 Include any other correct examples
• Soil
given in answer.
• oil
• Any natural metals
2. Write the meanings of these properties of materials.
0 marks for 1 correct
a Lets gas and/or liquid through
1 mark for 2 correct
2 marks for all three correct
b Easily bends
Do not allow any answer that is an
example of the property. For example:
absorbent is ‘like a sponge’. This does
c Soaks up water/liquid not tell us what absorbent is.
b. do not allow: bends into a shape.
3. Name two properties of each of these materials which make them good for these jobs.
• Flexible
a • Waterproof 1 1 mark for 2 correct.
• Easily coloured/printed onto
• Transparent
b • Strong 1 1 mark for 2 correct.
• Long lasting
• Insulator/does not conduct
c 1 1 mark for 2 correct.
• Hard wearing
• mouldable
4. Tick all the materials that will dissolve in water.
0 marks for 0-2 correct
1 mark for 3-7
2 marks for all 8
salt pepper sugar cooking oil
All the substances that dissolve must
tea leaves
jelly crystals sand be denoted by a tick or other obvious
method e.g. circled.
The substances that do not dissolve may
be left blank or crossed.
5. What is the correct scientific word for:
a insoluble 1
b solution 1
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6. Science Assessment Year 5: Change of Materials Answers
question answer marks notes
6. Name two things that would make a solid dissolve quicker in water.
• add more heat
• stir it more quickly/for longer 1 1 mark for 2 correct.
• make the solid into smaller particles
7. Fill in this table to show what you would do.
What process What special
What would
would I carry equipment
would I need? this remove?
out? 1 mark for each row completed in full.
The three steps must be in this order
Sieving A sieve Gravel (largest to smallest particles)
Step 3
Filter paper
Sand No mark for using ‘smaller sieve’ for 2nd
step (and come)
3rd Shallow dish
Evaporation Water
step (warmth)
8. Tick all the changes below that are irreversible.
0 marks for 0-2 correct
1 mark for 3-7
2 marks for all 8
Melting Dissolving salt Making bread
Frying an egg
All the irreversible changes must be
chocolate in water into toast
water to
Mixing vinegar
Burning wood
Water turning denoted by a tick or other obvious method
e.g. circled.
and bicarbonate
of soda into steam
make ice
The reversible changes may be left blank
or crossed.
9. Which variable will be kept the same?
The temperature of the oven 1
10. What is the dependent variable in this investigation?
The temperature of the potato 1
11. What safety issue would the children need to consider?
Possible answer:
• They would need to use oven gloves to
carry the potato
1 mark for answers that include the heat of
• The potato would be very hot at the 1
the jacket potato could cause injury.
start of the investigation
• The potato could burn you if you
picked it up at the start
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7. Science Assessment Year 5: Change of Materials Answers
question answer marks notes
12. Why did the group decide to test a potato with nothing wrapped round it?
• As a control
1 1 mark for a correct answer.
• To compare with the other results
13. Look at the table and decide:
1 mark for:
a 1
• Temperature after 60 minutes/1 hour
1 mark for:
b 1 Accept answers with no °C
• 54°C
1 mark for an answer in the region:
c 1
• 85°C - 82°C
14. Which material would you use to wrap the jacket potato and why?
Correct choice:
• Cotton wool
1 mark for both the correct choice and a
Reason: any from: good reason.
• Kept the potato the warmest for longer
• It was the best insulator
total /24
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