Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers Worksheet

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Multiplying decimals by whole numbers worksheet. To multiply a decimal by a whole number, just ignore the decimal point and multiply like normal! Then, bring the decimal point back for the answer.
1. Name: ____________________ Date: _____________________
Concept: Worksheet (5) Grade: Four / Section: “A, B”
Concept: Worksheet (1) Mathematics
Grade: Three / Section: “A, B”
Chapter :Decimal Numbers Lesson : Multiplying Decimals
To multiply decimal numbers:
1. Multiply the numbers just as if they were whole numbers.
 Line up the numbers on the right - do not align the decimal points.
 Starting on the right, multiply each digit in the top number by each
digit in the bottom number, just as with whole numbers.
 Add the products.
2. Place the decimal point in the answer by starting at the right and
moving a number of places equal to the sum of the decimal places in
both numbers multiplied.
3. Exercise 1 :
Write in vertical form then multiply:
a) 45.1 x 4 = ____ b) 6.21 x 5 = ____ c) 7.29 x 37 = ____
d) 16.16 x 1.4 = ___ e) 9.22 x 4.8 = _____ f) 0.56 x 0.8 = ____
Problem Solving:
A. Sara ran 5.85 miles each day for 9 days.
How many miles did she run altogether?
B. Ali saves $7.82 per week.
After 12 weeks, how much money will he have saved?
4. Answer Key
Exercise 1 :
Write in vertical form then multiply:
g) 45.1 x 4 = _____ h) 6.21 x 5 = ____ i) 7.29 x 37 = ____
180.4 31.05 269.73
j) 16.16 x 1.4 = ___ k) 9.22 x 4.8 = _____ l) 0.56 x 0.8 = ____
22.624 44.256 0.448
Problem Solving:
C. Sara ran 5.85 miles each day for 9 days.
How many miles did she run altogether?
5.85 x 9 = 52.65 miles
D. Ali saves $7.82 per week.
After 12 weeks, how much money will he have saved?
7.82 x 12 = 93.84 $