Numbers & counting - Jeopardy PowerPoint Game - PPT

Contributed by:
Balpreet Brar
1. Learn to count people on pictures
2. Learn to count balls
3. Learn to count fish
4. Learn to count birds
5. Learn to count fruits
2. Count people Count balls Count fish Count birds Count fruits
$100 $100 $100 $100 $100
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200
$300 $300 $300 $300 $300
$400 $400 $400 $400 $400
3. How many women are
there ?
4. $200
How many men are there ?
5. How many people are
there ?
6. How many people are
there ?
7. How many balls are there ?
8. How many balls are there ?
9. How many balls are there ?
10. How many balls are there ?
11. How many fish are there ?
12. How many fish are there ?
13. How many fish are there ?
14. How many fish are there ?
15. How many birds are there ?
16. How many birds are there ?
17. How many birds are there ?
18. How many birds are there ?
19. How many bananas are
20. How many apples are
there ?
21. How many apples are
there ?
22. How many fruits are
there ?