Students will learn to correct the errors commonly made in three specific areas of sentence writing, viz. run-ons, fragments, and comma splices.
1. Run-Ons, Comma Splices, &
2. Sentence Errors AIAN IA Olay Ole Ttcolou ia) os Levee WFitine are in three soeciile ares ~ Run-ons: imialgim yas: Conic) SPliGes Ealcf) Of these Srrors IS Say ty correct
3. Meet the FANBOYS
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8. Comma Splices Conic Spiicesyane senuenices Enlat Spoule) O28 Sageiratacl, Out EnNay are jolneel Wwitr) | corrieriel, » GCOIEGEIS Hana) tile Expectations ale) NiNSr tne Nigh Senoo!, (Cops soles) ! \ ple ororessor assigns too OMe WORK NG Oleh Nave ta)
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Fixing Comma wees ces, relax. ney ale
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11. _ Fra de ae wiae Ompleter sentences, anew PahticiMGCasyecvilnGnud he fee GO Enini<, “Weieet clogs tis maaan?” SCY MicValceKac) Vets) cySUls CCl On jI0lIly SS ExXeimples: = Wrianevar sno TAS Enis WEIS 2) great oyoortuinity. adits NOwWnere CO EUFN)