The federal Court System in the United States

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This booklet gives an introduction to the federal judicial system, its organization, and administration, its relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the federal government, and its relationship to the state court systems.
An Introduction for Judges and Judicial
Administrators in Other Countries
Judicial Services Office
Department of Program Services
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building
Washington, D.C. 20544
4th Edition
The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts developed this publication to provide
an introduction to the federal judicial system, its organization and administration, its
relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the federal government, and
its relationship to the state court systems. The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
is the judicial branch’s central support agency responsible for providing a broad range
of management, legal, technical, communications, and other support services for the
administration of the federal courts.
4. Preface
This booklet is designed to introduce judges and judicial administrators in other
countries to the U.S. federal judicial system, its organization and administration, and its
relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the government. The Judicial
Services Office of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts developed this booklet to
support the work of the Judicial Conference Committee on International Judicial Relations.
The Chief Justice presides over the Judicial Conference of the United States, the
national policymaking body of the federal courts. Congress passed legislation establishing
the earliest form of the Judicial Conference in 1922. Today, 26 judges comprise the
Conference—the chief judge of each of the 13 federal courts of appeals, 12 district (trial)
judges elected from each of the geographic circuits, and the chief judge of the U.S. Court
of International Trade.
The Chief Justice appoints judges and a small number of outside experts to serve
on subject-matter committees that assist the Judicial Conference with its work. The
Committee on International Judicial Relations—the committee responsible for this
publication—is composed of several federal judges and a representative from the U.S.
Department of State, who, among other things:
• coordinate the federal judiciary’s relationship with foreign judiciaries and other
organizations interested in international judicial relations and the establishment and
expansion of the rule of law; and
• serve as a point of contact for foreign courts and international organizations
communicating with the Chief Justice, the Judicial Conference, and the federal
5. Table of Contents
The United States Constitution and the Federal Government........................................................................1
The Legislative Branch.........................................................................................................................................2
The Executive Branch...........................................................................................................................................3
The Judicial Branch................................................................................................................................................3
The Role of the Federal Courts in American Government................................................................................5
The Federal Courts and Congress ................................................................................................................5
The Federal Courts and the Executive Branch.........................................................................................5
The Federal Courts and the Public................................................................................................................6
The Structure of the Federal Courts.............................................................................................................................8
Trial Courts................................................................................................................................................................8
Appellate Courts.................................................................................................................................................10
The United States Supreme Court..............................................................................................................11
The Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts.....................................................................................................................12
Relationship Between the State Courts and the Federal Courts..................................................12
Types of Cases That May Be Filed in the Federal and State Courts...........................................13
United States Federal Judges.......................................................................................................................................15
Appointment of Judges...................................................................................................................................15
Article III Judges...................................................................................................................................15
Other Federal Judges.........................................................................................................................16
State Judges...........................................................................................................................................16
Federal Judicial Ethics.......................................................................................................................................17
Judges’ Compensation.....................................................................................................................................18
Senior and Retired Judges..............................................................................................................................18
Judicial Education...............................................................................................................................................18
Judges’ Staff...........................................................................................................................................................19
Distinctive Features of the American Judicial System......................................................................................20
The Adversary System......................................................................................................................................20
The Common-Law System.............................................................................................................................20
6. Fees and Costs of Litigation...........................................................................................................................21
Execution of Judgments..................................................................................................................................21
Procedural Rules for Conducting Litigation...........................................................................................22
Reporting of Judicial Proceedings..............................................................................................................22
Publication of Court Opinions......................................................................................................................23
The Federal Judicial Process in Brief.........................................................................................................................24
Civil Cases...............................................................................................................................................................24
Criminal Cases......................................................................................................................................................26
Jury Service............................................................................................................................................................30
Bankruptcy Cases................................................................................................................................................32
The Appeals Process.........................................................................................................................................35
Federal Judicial Administration...................................................................................................................................37
Individual Courts.................................................................................................................................................37
Court Staff..............................................................................................................................................................38
Clerk of the Court...............................................................................................................................................38
Other Central Court Staff................................................................................................................................39
The Circuit Judicial Councils..........................................................................................................................39
The Judicial Conference of the United States.......................................................................................40
The Administrative Office of the United States Courts....................................................................41
The Federal Judicial Center............................................................................................................................42
The United States Sentencing Commission...........................................................................................43
The Judiciary Budget.........................................................................................................................................43
Courthouse Space, Facilities, and Security.............................................................................................44
Information Technology in the Judicial Branch....................................................................................44
Strategic Planning and Management Efficiency in the Federal Courts....................................45
Disciplinary Mechanisms.................................................................................................................................47
Other Formal Mechanisms.............................................................................................................................48
Informal Mechanisms.......................................................................................................................................49
Commonly Asked Questions About the Federal Judicial Process..............................................................50
Common Legal Terms......................................................................................................................................................54
7. List of Features
U.S. Constitution, Article III...............................................................................................................................................3
Geographic Boundaries of the United States Courts of Appeals
and the United States District Courts..........................................................................................................................9
The United States Federal Courts...............................................................................................................................10
Examples of Jurisdiction in the Federal and State Courts..............................................................................14
The Code of Conduct for United States Judges..................................................................................................17
Juror Qualifications and Exemptions........................................................................................................................31
Terms of Jury Service........................................................................................................................................................31
Types of Bankruptcy Proceedings..............................................................................................................................33
Characteristics of Federal Judicial Administration..............................................................................................38
Court Support Staff...........................................................................................................................................................39
Current Judicial Conference Committees...............................................................................................................40
The U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1789 rights. Adopted as the first ten
and amended only rarely since then, is amendments to the Constitution in 1791,
the supreme law of the United States. the Bill of Rights prohibits the government
The Constitution established a republic from infringing upon an individual’s rights
under which the individual states retain to free speech, freedom of assembly,
considerable sovereignty and authority. freedom to seek redress of grievances,
Each state, for example, has its own freedom from unreasonable searches and
elected executive (governor), legislature, seizures, due process of law, protection
and court system. The federal, or national, against compelled self-incrimination,
government is one of strong, but limited, protection against seizure of property
powers. The federal government may without just compensation, a speedy and
exercise only the powers specified in public trial in criminal cases, trial by jury in
the Constitution itself. The Constitution both criminal and civil cases, and assistance
specifies that all other powers are reserved of counsel in criminal prosecutions.
to the states and the people. This system of The Constitution also established
divided powers is known as “federalism.” three separate branches of the U.S.
The Bill of Rights guarantees that the Government—the legislative (Article I),
government will not interfere with an executive (Article II), and judicial (Article III)
individual’s exercise of certain fundamental branches. The constitutional system divides
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................1
9. powers among these three branches of for one or both houses of Congress to be
the federal government and establishes controlled by the opposition party. Under
a system of “checks and balances.” Each the Constitution’s structure of separate but
branch is formally separate from the other equal branches of government, there are
two, and each has certain constitutional no provisions to dissolve the government
authority to check the actions of the other or call for early general elections.
branches. The Senate and House of
Representatives both establish their own
rules of procedure and designate their
THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH members to serve on subject-matter
committees. The committee assignments
Congress, the national legislature of the in Congress are based primarily upon
United States, is composed of two houses seniority. Congress carries out the
or chambers—the Senate and the House of bulk of its work in committee, where
Representatives. Each state is represented legislators draft laws, appropriate funds for
by two senators who are elected for six- government operations, and hold hearings.
year terms. One-third of the Senate is Congressional hearings develop the record
elected every two years. Members of the on matters under a committee’s jurisdiction
House of Representatives are elected from and may involve overseeing government
local districts within states. Each state agencies, evaluating programs, or
receives a number of representatives in investigating issues. Congress normally
proportion to its population. The entire requests and occasionally compels
House is elected every two years. government administrators and citizen
To become law, proposed legislation experts to testify before its committees.
must be passed by both houses of The federal courts, for example, maintain
Congress and signed by the president. If regular communications with the Judiciary
the president does not sign, or vetoes, a Committees and the Appropriations
bill, it may still be enacted, but only by a Committees of the Senate and the House
two-thirds vote of each house of Congress. of Representatives, and judges selected
The U.S. government is not a to represent the courts regularly present
parliamentary or cabinet system of testimony to congressional committees on
government, as in the United Kingdom and issues of concern to the judiciary.
many other democracies around the world.
Under the U.S. Constitution, the president
is both the head of state and the head of Two central features of the
the government. The president appoints a government established under the U.S.
cabinet—consisting of the heads of major Constitution are:
executive departments and agencies—but
• federalism; and
neither the president nor any member of
the cabinet sits in Congress. The president’s • checks and balances among the three
political party, moreover, does not need separate branches of the government.
to hold a majority of the seats in Congress
to stay in office. In fact, it is not unusual
2............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
The president is elected every four
U.S. Constitution, Article III
years and under the Constitution may serve
no more than two terms in office. Once The judicial Power of the United States,
elected, the president selects a cabinet, shall be vested in one supreme Court,
each member of which must be confirmed and in such inferior Courts as the
by the Senate. Each cabinet member is Congress may from time to time ordain
the head of a department in the executive and establish. The Judges, both of the
branch. The cabinet includes, for example, supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold
the Secretary of State, the Secretary of their Offices during good Behaviour,
Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury, the and shall, at stated Times, receive for
Secretary of Homeland Security, and the their Services, a Compensation, which
Attorney General. shall not be diminished during their
The president, the cabinet, and other Continuance in Office.
members of a president’s administration
are responsible for operating the executive
branch of the federal government and for
executing and enforcing the laws. Although
the Secretary of Homeland Security U.S. attorneys represent the
oversees some law enforcement agencies, government in all criminal cases in federal
such as Immigration and Customs court and most civil suits against the
Enforcement and the Secret Service, the government, making the United States
Attorney General is the government’s chief the chief litigant in the federal courts. To
law enforcement officer. The Attorney prevent any undue influences or sway
General heads the U.S. Department over the courts, the executive branch of
of Justice and is responsible for the government plays no role in administration
administration of the Bureau of Prisons; or budgeting for the federal courts.
the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives; the U.S. Marshals Service; and THE JUDICIAL BRANCH
other law enforcement organizations. The
Attorney General also holds the authority The framers of the Constitution
to prosecute crimes and represent the considered an independent federal
government’s legal interests in civil cases. judiciary essential to ensure fairness and
To serve as an adjunct to the Attorney equal justice to all citizens of the United
General, the president appoints a U.S. States. As a result, the federal judiciary is
attorney to serve as the chief prosecutor a separate, self-governing branch of the
in each of the 94 federal judicial districts. government. The Congress enacts the
The U.S. attorneys report to the Attorney laws, the president and the many executive
General and may be removed from office branch departments and agencies act
by the president. on and enforce the laws, and the courts
interpret the law. The courts play no active
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................3
11. role in enforcing the laws—that is the role The Constitution protects the
of the president and the executive branch independence and integrity of the judicial
departments and agencies. branch in two principal ways. First,
The courts interpret the law by issuing federal judges appointed under Article
judgments on actual legal disputes III of the Constitution may serve for life
brought before them by adversarial parties. and may only be removed from office
Federal judges also interpret and issue through impeachment and conviction
rulings on the constitutionality of laws by Congress for “Treason, Bribery, or
when parties to a dispute challenge a other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
law’s constitutionality. The federal courts Second, the Constitution provides that the
are often called the guardians of the compensation of Article III federal judges
Constitution, because court rulings protect “shall not be diminished during their
the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Continuance in Office,” which means that
Constitution. neither the president nor Congress can
reduce the salaries of most federal judges.
These two protections help an independent
judiciary to decide cases free from popular
passion and political influence.
4............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
THE FEDERAL COURTS AND become federal judges. Fourth, judges
appointed under Article III of the U.S.
CONGRESS Constitution may only be involuntarily
removed from office after being impeached
Congress has four basic responsibilities
by the House of Representatives and
under the Constitution that determine how
convicted of treason, bribery, or other high
the federal courts will operate. First, the
crimes and misdemeanors in a trial before
legislature authorizes the creation of all
the Senate.
federal courts below the Supreme Court,
defines the jurisdiction of the courts, and
decides how many judges there should
be for each court. Second, Congress THE FEDERAL COURTS AND
approves the federal courts’ budget and THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH
appropriates money each year to fund
the judiciary. The judiciary’s budget is a Under the Constitution, the president
very small part—about two-tenths of one nominates Article III constitutional judges
percent—of the entire federal budget. to a lifetime appointment, subject to
Third, through the confirmation process, approval by the Senate. The president
the Senate determines which of the usually consults senators or other elected
president’s judicial nominees ultimately
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................5
13. officials concerning potential candidates access to court proceedings and inspire
for vacancies on the federal courts. respect for the tradition and purpose of
The president’s power to appoint new the American judicial process. In addition,
federal judges is not the judiciary’s only many courthouses are historic buildings
interaction with the executive branch. or landmark examples of contemporary
The Department of Justice, which is architecture.
responsible for prosecuting federal crimes A citizen who wishes to observe a court
and for representing the government in session may go to a federal courthouse,
civil cases, is the most frequent litigator check the court calendar, which is posted
in the federal court system. Executive on a bulletin board or electronic kiosk,
branch agencies also assist the judiciary and watch almost any proceeding. Anyone
with certain administrative operations. may review a case file using an electronic
The U.S. Marshals Service, for example, access terminal at the clerk of court’s office.
provides security for federal courthouses Court schedules, dockets, judgments,
and judges, and the General Services opinions, and pleadings are also available
Administration builds and maintains to the public in electronic form through the
federal courthouses. internet.
Military courts, a number of specialized Limited radio or television coverage of
subject-matter tribunals, and some arguments before the appellate courts is
executive agencies adjudicate disputes in available in some federal courts, but, unlike
the first instance involving specific federal most state courts, the federal courts do not
laws and benefits programs. These bodies permit broadcast coverage of most trials.
are not part of the judiciary established The right of public access to court
under Article III of the Constitution, so proceedings is partly derived from the
their jurisdiction is limited. Administrative Constitution and partly from court and
law judges and non-judiciary tribunals are common-law tradition. By conducting their
limited to resolving disputes on questions judicial work in public view, judges enhance
arising from matters such as the tax laws; public confidence in the courts, allow
patent and copyright laws; labor laws; citizens to learn firsthand how our judicial
social security statutes and regulations; system works, and facilitate development
approval of radio and TV licenses; and of the law.
the like. Appeals of final decisions in Although there is a very strong
these cases typically may be taken to the presumption that all court records and
Article III courts. proceedings are open to the public, in
some situations public access may be
limited. In a high-profile trial, for example,
THE FEDERAL COURTS AND there may not be enough space in the
courtroom to accommodate everyone
THE PUBLIC who would like to observe. The court may
also restrict access to the courtroom for
With few exceptions, the federal judicial security or privacy reasons, such as when
process is open to the public. Federal a juvenile or a law enforcement informant
courthouses are designed to provide public
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14. is testifying. Finally, certain documents include confidential business records, law
may be placed under seal by the judge, enforcement reports, criminal investigation
meaning that they are not available to the documents, juvenile records, and cases
public. Examples of sealed information may involving national security issues.
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................7
The federal courts have jurisdiction to district courts have jurisdiction to hear
hear a broad variety of cases. The same nearly all categories of federal cases. There
federal judges handle civil and criminal are 94 federal judicial districts, including
cases; public law and private law disputes; one or more in each state, the District of
cases involving individuals, corporations, Columbia, and Puerto Rico. In the U.S.
and government entities; appeals from territories of Guam, the Commonwealth
administrative agency decisions; and law of the Northern Marianna Islands, and
and equity matters. All federal judges the U.S. Virgin Islands, similarly structured
have the authority to decide issues territorial district courts act as the federal
regarding the constitutionality of laws and trial courts.
governmental actions that arise in their Each U.S. judicial district includes a
cases. The United States does not have a bankruptcy court operating as a unit of
separate system of constitutional courts. the district court. The bankruptcy court
has jurisdiction over almost all matters
involving insolvency cases, except criminal
TRIAL COURTS issues. Once a case is filed in a bankruptcy
court, related matters pending in other
The U.S. district courts are the principal federal and state courts may be removed
trial courts in the federal system. The to the bankruptcy court. The bankruptcy
8............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
16. courts are administratively managed by trial by a jury in many categories of cases,
bankruptcy judges. including: (1) all criminal prosecutions
Two special trial courts in the U.S. except petty offenses; (2) civil cases in
federal judiciary have nationwide which the right to a jury trial applied
jurisdiction. The U.S. Court of International under English law at the time of American
Trade addresses cases involving independence; and (3) cases in which the
international trade and customs issues. The Congress has expressly provided for the
U.S. Court of Federal Claims has jurisdiction right to trial by jury.
over disputes involving federal contracts, In the U.S. territories of Guam, the
the taking of private property by the Northern Marianna Islands, and the U.S.
federal government, and a variety of other Virgin Islands, territorial district courts
monetary claims against the United States. hear trials on matters arising under federal
Trial court proceedings are normally law and resolve bankruptcy cases. These
conducted by a single judge, sitting alone jurisdictions may limit the application of
or with a jury of citizens as finders of fact. U.S. constitutional provisions in favor of
The U.S. Constitution provides for a right to conflicting local laws (such as laws limiting
Geographic Boundaries of the United States Courts of Appeals
and the United States District Courts
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................9
17. the right to trial by jury). Territorial district
judges also serve term appointments and The United States
can be removed from office for cause. Federal Courts
Supreme Court
APPELLATE COURTS United States Supreme Court
The 94 judicial districts are organized
into 12 regional circuits, each of which Appellate courts
has a U.S. court of appeals. A court of U.S. Courts of Appeals (12 regional
appeals hears appeals from the district courts of appeals and the national
courts located within its circuit, as well as jurisdiction Court of Appeals for the
appeals from certain federal administrative Federal Circuit)
agencies. In addition, the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has
nationwide jurisdiction to hear appeals in Trial courts
specialized cases, such as those involving U.S. District Courts (94 judicial districts
patent laws and cases decided by the U.S. and the U.S. bankruptcy courts)
Court of International Trade or the U.S.
Court of Federal Claims. U.S. Court of International Trade
Litigants have a right of appeal in every U.S. Court of Federal Claims
federal case in which a district court enters
a final judgment. For a court of appeals to
review a matter, one or more parties to a Other federal tribunals that are not
case must file a timely appeal challenging within the judicial branch
the lower court’s decision. When an appeal Military Courts (trial and appellate)
is filed, a three-judge panel of the court of
appeals typically reviews the decision. The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans
court of appeals does not hear additional Claims
evidence and normally must accept the United States Tax Court
factual findings established by the trial
court. If additional fact finding is necessary, Administrative agency offices and
the court of appeals may remand the boards
case to the trial court or administrative
agency for further development of the
record. Remand is unnecessary in most
cases, however, and the court of appeals
either affirms or reverses the lower court
or agency decision in a written order or
In cases of unusual importance, a court
of appeals may vote to sit “en banc” to
review the decisions of a three-judge panel.
10............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
18. During an en banc sitting, all the appellate THE UNITED STATES
judges in the circuit will normally come
together to rehear a case. The full court will
then either affirm or reverse the panel with
The U.S. Supreme Court is the highest
an en banc decision. The largest courts
court in the United States. The Court
of appeals may split themselves into two
consists of the Chief Justice of the United
en banc panels that operate in the same
States and eight Associate Justices. The
Court sits en banc, with all nine justices
hearing and deciding cases together, unless
one of the justices does not participate in
the case for some reason, such as an ethics
The Supreme Court’s caseload consists
of matters assigned to the Court and
a small number of carefully selected
discretionary cases. The Constitution and
federal law provide that the Supreme Court
will act as the court of first instance or
exercise mandatory appellate review in a
few designated cases, such as boundary
disputes between the states. The remainder
of the Supreme Court docket is determined
electively when at least four Supreme
Court justices agree to hear a case. The
Court typically selects cases that present
an important constitutional question
or issue of federal law that needs to be
clarified, such as when the regional courts
of appeals “split” on a question of law and
issue contradictory rulings.
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................11
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN The state courts have jurisdiction
over a wider variety of disputes than the
THE STATE COURTS AND THE federal courts. State courts, for example,
FEDERAL COURTS have jurisdiction over virtually all divorce
and child custody matters, probate and
Although federal courts are located in inheritance issues, real estate questions,
every state, they are not the only forum and juvenile matters. Most criminal cases,
available to litigants. In fact, the great contract disputes, traffic violations, and
majority of legal disputes in American personal injury cases are also resolved in
courts are addressed in the separate state the state courts.
or local court systems. Most of the state Federal courts decide cases that
or local court systems, like the federal involve the U.S. government or its officials,
judiciary, have trial courts of general the U.S. Constitution or federal laws, or
jurisdiction, intermediate appellate courts, controversies between states or between
and a supreme court. They may also have the United States and foreign governments.
specialized lower level courts, county A case also may be filed in federal court—
courts, municipal courts, small claims even if no question arising under federal
courts, or justices of the peace to handle law is involved—if the litigants are citizens
minor matters. of different states or the dispute arises
12............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
20. between citizens of the United States and TYPES OF CASES THAT MAY
those of another country.
In the initial stages of any lawsuit the
plaintiff must assert the legal basis for AND STATE COURTS
the court’s jurisdiction over the case and
the court must make an independent The table on page 14 gives some
determination that it has jurisdiction to examples of the cases that may be
address the case. If a case is filed initially in addressed exclusively in the state courts
a federal court, but the court determines or in the federal courts, as well as some
that it lacks jurisdiction to adjudicate, the examples of concurrent jurisdiction (cases
case must be dismissed. Under certain that may be heard in either state or federal
circumstances, a case that was improperly court).
filed in federal court may be “remanded”
to a state court that has jurisdiction to hear
the case. Conversely, a case that was filed
in a state court may, if certain conditions
are met, be “removed” to a federal court.
The federal and state courts are
required to extend “full faith and credit”
to each other’s respective judgments.
But under the Supremacy Clause of the
Constitution, a federal law preempts any
conflicting state law.
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................13
21. Examples of Jurisdiction in the Federal and State Courts
crimes under state legislation crimes under statutes enacted crimes punishable under both
by Congress federal or state law
state constitutional issues and
cases involving state laws or most cases involving federal federal constitutional issues
regulations laws or regulations (e.g., tax,
Social Security, broadcasting, certain civil rights claims
family law issues civil rights)
“class action” cases
real property issues matters involving interstate
and international commerce, environmental regulation
landlord and tenant disputes including airline and railroad
regulation certain disputes involving
most private contract disputes federal law
(except those resolved under cases involving securities
bankruptcy law) and commodities regulation,
including takeovers of publicly
most issues involving the held corporations
regulation of trades and
professions admiralty cases
most professional malpractice international trade law matters
patent, copyright, and other
most issues involving the intellectual property issues
internal governance of
business associations, such as cases involving rights under
partnerships and corporations treaties, foreign states, and
foreign nationals
most personal injury lawsuits
state law disputes when
most workers’ injury claims “diversity of citizenship” exists
probate and inheritance bankruptcy matters
disputes between states
most traffic violations
habeas corpus actions
traffic violations and crimes
occurring on certain federal
14............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
APPOINTMENT OF JUDGES examinations are administered to judicial
candidates. Rather, a person seeking a
Article III Judges judgeship is required to complete a lengthy
set of forms that set forth in detail his
Justices of the Supreme Court, judges or her personal qualifications and career
of the courts of appeals and the district accomplishments, including such matters
courts, and judges of the U.S. Court as academic background, job experiences,
of International Trade are appointed public writings, intellectual pursuits, legal
under Article III of the Constitution and cases handled, and outside activities.
essentially may serve for life. Article III Candidates also are subject to extensive
judges are nominated and appointed by interviews, background investigations,
the president of the United States and and follow-up questioning prior to their
must be confirmed by the Senate. The nomination.
judiciary plays no role in the political Politics may be an important factor
process surrounding the nomination or in the appointment of Article III judges.
confirmation of judges. Nominees are normally selected by the
The primary criterion for appointment president from a list of candidates provided
to a federal judgeship is a person’s total by senators or other office holders within
career and academic achievements. No the state in which the appointment is to
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................15
23. be made. Article III judges are nominated U.S. Court of Federal Claims judges,
by the president, usually from among the bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges
ranks of prominent practicing lawyers, who exercise specific authorities delegated
lower federal court judges, state court to them by Congress or assigned to them
judges, or law professors who reside within by the district courts.
the district or circuit where the court sits. U.S. Court of Federal Claims judges
The president’s nominee must appear in are appointed for terms of 15 years by the
person at a hearing before the Senate president, subject to confirmation by the
Judiciary Committee, and the Senate votes Senate, and they can be removed from
to confirm each judge. office for cause by a majority vote of the
Each federal judge is appointed to judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
fill a specified, authorized judgeship in a Federal Circuit.
particular district or circuit. Judges have Bankruptcy judges and magistrate
no authority to hear cases in another judges are judicial officers of the district
federal jurisdiction unless they are formally courts, appointed by the courts of appeals
designated and assigned to the other court and the district courts, respectively. The
as a visiting judge. Courts seek assistance courts select bankruptcy and magistrate
from visiting judges to manage temporary judges after evaluating applicants with
increases in caseloads, cases that present the assistance of merit selection panels
a conflict of interest for local judges, or composed of local lawyers and other
backlogs that result from unfilled judicial citizens.
vacancies. Bankruptcy judges serve 14-year terms,
Once appointed, the Constitution gives while magistrate judges are appointed
Article III judges two key protections— for 8-year terms. Before reappointing
lifetime appointment and the guarantee a bankruptcy or magistrate judge, the
that their pay will not be decreased while court must publish a public notice
they are in office. The Constitution’s seeking comments on the incumbent’s
protections limit the political pressures performance. The appointing court
on the judicial branch and give judges then convenes a panel to consider
some protection when they issue public comments and make a merit-
unpopular decisions. To complement these based recommendation on whether the
protections, Article III judges can only be incumbent should be reappointed. During
removed from office for “high crimes and their term of service, bankruptcy and
misdemeanors” by Congress through the magistrate judges may also be removed
impeachment process. However, judges can for cause by a majority of the judges of the
be prosecuted for criminal conduct while in appointing court.
State Judges
Other Federal Judges
State judges handle most cases in the
In addition to the judgeships United States, but they are not part of the
established under Article III of the U.S. federal court system. Rather, state court
Constitution, the judicial branch includes judges are a part of state court systems
16............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
24. established by state governments. Like percent of the judge’s salary. Furthermore,
federal judges, state judges are required judges may not engage in political activity,
to support the U.S. Constitution and the practice of law, or business activity
may invalidate state laws that they find (except investments).
inconsistent with the Constitution. State Judges may request specific guidance
judges are selected in several ways, on ethical issues from the Judicial
according to state constitutions and Conference’s Committee on Codes of
statutes. In most states, judges are either Conduct. The Committee’s judges are
selected by popular vote in a general authorized to draft the codes of conduct
election or initially appointed by the state and render written advisory opinions to
governor and later subject to a vote on judges and court employees interpreting
retention in the general election. the code. The Committee also publishes
selected advisory opinions based on the
facts presented in common inquiries. The
FEDERAL JUDICIAL ETHICS published opinions summarize a case
and do not identify any particular judge.
By statute, federal judges may not The advisory opinions are made available
hear cases in which they have personal within the judiciary and are posted on the
knowledge of the disputed facts, a courts’ public website.
personal bias concerning a party to the
case, any earlier involvement in the case
as a lawyer, or a financial interest in any
The Code of Conduct for
party or subject matter of the case. Federal United States Judges
judges also are subject to the Code of
Conduct for U.S. Judges, a set of ethical A judge should uphold the integrity
principles and guidelines adopted by the and independence of the judiciary.
Judicial Conference of the United States.
The Code of Conduct—and the opinions A judge should avoid impropriety and
interpreting it—provide guidance for the appearance of impropriety in all
judges on issues of judicial integrity and activities.
independence, judicial diligence and
impartiality, permissible extrajudicial A judge should perform the duties
activities, and the avoidance of impropriety of the office fairly, impartially, and
or the appearance of impropriety. diligently.
The Code of Conduct encourages
judges to engage in activities to improve A judge may engage in extrajudicial
the law, the legal system, and the activities that are consistent with the
administration of justice. Indeed, federal obligations of judicial office.
judges have a distinguished history of
service to the legal profession through A judge should refrain from political
their writing, speaking, and teaching. activity.
Income from teaching and similar outside
activities is limited to approximately 15
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................17
25. In addition to peer regulation under Constitution. They are, therefore, not
the judiciary’s ethics rules, federal laws required to retire at any age. Life tenured
enable broad public scrutiny of any judges may voluntarily elect to retire from
potential conflicts of interest presented active service on full salary if they are at
by judges’ financial holdings. A federal least 65 years old and meet certain years
statute requires all judges—as well as of service requirements. Most Article III
other high-level government officials—to judges who retire continue to hear cases on
file annual financial disclosure statements a full or part-time basis as “senior judges.”
that list their assets, liabilities, positions, Retired bankruptcy judges, magistrate
gifts, and reimbursements (and those of judges, and U.S. Court of Federal Claims
their spouses and minor children). The judges also may be “recalled” to active
disclosure statements for federal judges service. Without the service donated by
and certain judicial branch officials are senior and retired judges, the judiciary
maintained by the Administrative Office would need many more judges to handle
and are available to the public on request. its cases.
Public interest groups, journalists, and
publishing companies often request
copies of the reports and post them on JUDICIAL EDUCATION
the internet so that the public, particularly
litigants, can search for potential conflicts Federal judges are not required to
presented by judges’ finances. attend judicial training before they are
appointed. Judges may elect to attend
orientation programs on substantive
JUDGES’ COMPENSATION legal topics, the art of judging, and
case management shortly after they are
Federal judges receive salaries and appointed and throughout their judicial
benefits set by Congress. Judicial salaries careers. The new judges’ orientation
and employment benefits are comparable and other legal education programs are
to those received by Members of Congress sponsored by the Federal Judicial Center
and other senior government officials. (FJC), the judicial branch’s principal
The Constitution provides that the research and training resource. The
compensation of an Article III federal judge FJC also develops a number of special
may not be reduced during the judge’s focus programs on new legislation,
service. developments in case law, and specific
judicial skills, often in conjunction with
law schools. The programs address
SENIOR AND RETIRED specific areas of the law in depth, such
as intellectual property and the use of
JUDGES scientific evidence. In addition to live
seminars and workshops, the FJC produces
Court of appeals, district court, and videos, audio programs, manuals, and
U.S. Court of International Trade judges other materials to assist judges.
have life tenure under Article III of the
18............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
26. The Administrative Office conducts JUDGES’ STAFF
administrative training programs for judges
on the use of technology and management In addition to court staff appointed by
issues such as pay and benefits, hiring the court as a whole, each judge is allowed
staff, judicial branch organization and to hire a small personal staff known
governance, judicial ethics, and personal as “chambers” staff. Judges may hire a
security. The Administrative Office also secretary or judicial assistant to help them
offers special orientation programs on with administrative matters and law clerks
management and operations for new chief to help them review records, research legal
judges. issues, and draft papers. Chambers staff is
The FJC, the Administrative Office, and subject to the ethical restrictions contained
the U.S. Sentencing Commission jointly in the Code of Conduct for Judicial
operate a television network that streams Employees.
daily education and information programs The duties of chambers staff vary
for judges and court staff. In addition, depending on the particular work and
several individual courts conduct in-house management preferences of each judge
orientation and mentoring programs or court. Judges carefully supervise and
for new judges, as well as roundtable review the work of their chambers staff. By
discussions or other substantive programs using their staff to conduct legal research
for all judges. and other tasks that do not involve
exercising the discretionary powers of a
judge, each judge is better able to perform
the tasks of judging.
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................19
THE ADVERSARY SYSTEM of issues by adversaries and to ensure that
the law is followed and fairness is achieved.
The litigation process in U.S. courts
is referred to as an “adversary” system
because it relies on the litigants to THE COMMON-LAW SYSTEM
present their dispute before a neutral
fact finder. According to American legal The American judicial process is
tradition, inherited from English common based largely on the English common law
law, the clash of adversaries allows the system. In a common law system, legal
jury or judge to determine the truth and interpretations and distinctions recognized
resolve the dispute. In some other legal in court rulings establish precedents that
systems, judges or magistrates conduct become binding on lower courts in the
investigations to find relevant evidence or jurisdiction. Rather than remaining a fixed
obtain testimony from witnesses. In the body of legal rules, as in the codes of civil
United States, however, litigants and their law systems, precedent allows the law to
attorneys collect evidence and prepare develop over time, yet remain predictable.
it for trial, without assistance from the In the past century, Congress has
court. The essential role of the judge is to passed elaborately detailed statutes
structure and regulate the development in most areas of federal law. The
20............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
28. comprehensive statutes, sometimes to place the Constitution above all other
referred to as “codes,” establish legal laws. Judges will, therefore, not only abide
principles and specific provisions governing by precedent in interpreting statutes,
most aspects of a particular field of law. regulations, and actions by members of the
These bodies of statutory law include, for executive branch, but will seek to interpret
example, the Bankruptcy Code, the Internal them consistently with the Constitution.
Revenue Code, the Social Security Act, the
Securities Act, and the Securities Exchange
Act. The states have also adopted various FEES AND COSTS OF
comprehensive codes, such as the Uniform
Commercial Code. These statutes are often LITIGATION
further developed and interpreted by
implementing regulations promulgated by Another characteristic of the American
federal and state administrative agencies. judicial system is that litigants typically
Despite the adoption of comprehensive pay their own costs of litigation whether
codes and the general growth of statutory they win or lose. The federal courts
law over the last century, the American charge litigants moderate fees when they
courts continue to interpret statutes and initiate a case, submit subpoenas, and
regulations as common law, or according in relation to certain other filings with
to “precedent.” Thus, for example, a the court. Most fees are set by Congress.
bankruptcy court applying the Bankruptcy Civil plaintiffs who cannot afford to pay
Code will consult relevant case law to court fees may seek permission from the
determine whether there are Supreme court to proceed without paying those
Court or court of appeals rulings governing fees. Other costs of litigation, such as
how a particular code section should attorneys’ and experts’ fees, are more
be applied in certain situations. Lawyers substantial. In some categories of civil
who appear before the court may then cases, including cases alleging certain civil
argue that the facts in their case are rights violations, a winning plaintiff may
similar to those in a case that resulted in a recover attorney costs from the defendant.
favorable ruling, or they could argue that In criminal cases, the government pays
an unfavorable precedent does not apply the costs of investigation and prosecution.
because the factual and legal situation The court also provides a government-
in their case is critically distinct from the funded attorney, necessary experts, and
precedent. investigators to any criminal defendant
All judges in the United States, who is unable to afford an attorney.
regardless of the level of the court in which
they sit, exercise the power of judicial
review. While judges normally presume EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS
the laws or actions that they are reviewing
are valid, they will invalidate statutes, Execution and enforcement of
regulations, or executive actions that they judgments is the responsibility of the
find to be clearly inconsistent with the parties to the litigation, not the courts.
U.S. Constitution. All judges are required
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................21
29. In criminal cases, the U.S. Marshals PROCEDURAL RULES FOR
Service (an organization within the
executive branch’s Department of Justice)
is responsible for prisoners sentenced
The Rules Enabling Act of 1934 gives
to incarceration until they are delivered
the federal judiciary the responsibility to
to the Bureau of Prisons (also within the
issue rules of procedure and evidence
Department of Justice). Defendants may
that govern all federal court proceedings.
also be ordered to pay a fine. Any fines
Under the Act’s authority, the judiciary
are paid to the clerk of court who records
has established federal rules of evidence,
the transaction and processes the money
and rules of civil, criminal, bankruptcy,
as specified in the court order. Should the
and appellate procedure. The rules are
defendant fail to pay a required fine, the
designed to eliminate unjustifiable expense
Department of Justice will enforce the
and delay and to promote simplicity,
court order by pursuing actions to collect
fairness, and the just determination of
the money.
litigation. Committees of judges, lawyers,
In civil cases, the parties themselves
and academics appointed by the Chief
are responsible for executing court orders.
Justice draft the rules. The Administrative
Money judgments are frequently covered
Office publishes the draft rules for public
by insurance, and in those cases insurance
comment, the Judicial Conference of the
companies are usually quick to resolve the
United States then approves the rules, and
details of enforcing the judgment.
the Supreme Court formally promulgates
Individuals attempting to enforce a
the rules. Congress has a limited period of
judgment against an uncooperative party
time to review the rules and vote to reject
have several options. In general, a civil
or modify them before they enter into
judgment becomes a lien attached to any
real property of the losing party, and the
judgment earns interest at a specified rate
of return until it is collected. In federal
court, the winning party may obtain the REPORTING OF JUDICIAL
assistance of the court to examine the PROCEEDINGS
debtor and protect property in the debtor’s
possession. A winning party may also apply All trial and pretrial proceedings
to a state court for assistance in enforcing conducted in open court are recorded by
a federal court judgment through state law a court reporter or sound equipment. The
remedies such as garnishing the wages or court reporter is a person specially trained
attaching the assets of the losing party. to record all testimony and produce a
word-for-word account of court action
called a transcript. A certified written
transcript may be prepared from the court
reporter’s record or a sound recording
if necessary for the appeal of a court’s
decision, or upon request by one of the
litigants or another person. The party
22............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
30. requesting a transcript must pay a fee to In addition to court-initiated
cover the costs of preparing the transcript. distribution, private legal publishing
companies and research services, such
as Westlaw and Lexis/Nexis, make court
PUBLICATION OF COURT opinions, statutes, and other legal materials
available to the public on a commercial
OPINIONS basis. Law schools and other organizations
also collect court opinions, mainly from the
Common-law courts rely on judicial courts of appeals, and make them available
precedent to interpret and apply the law, on the internet. Examples of collections
so it is vital for judicial opinions on current of Supreme Court and courts of appeals
legal issues to be readily available to opinions include:
courts and lawyers facing similar issues.
As a result, nearly all opinions and orders FindLaw’s Cases and Codes section:
are open public records. Access to these
records is constantly improving as a result
of technology. Judges now enter most Cornell University Law School’s Legal
orders and opinions electronically so that Information Institute:
attorneys receive notice of court action
via system-generated email messages.
Electronically docketed materials are also The U.S. Law page:
available to the public one day after they
are entered.
The federal courts’ electronic docketing
system allows the public to access court
records in multiple ways. The judiciary’s
internet-based system, Public Access to
Court Electronic Records (PACER, www., is an online service that allows
users to obtain free access to orders and
opinions from federal appellate, district,
and bankruptcy courts, and to search a
national index of case and party names.
Additional case and docket information on
PACER can be accessed for a nominal fee.
Courts also make their opinions available
to the public at no cost by directly posting
them to their public websites or providing
them to a free document repository
maintained by the Government Printing
Office. Most documents are also still
available for review and printing at any
THE FEDERAL COURT SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES..............................................................................................................23
CIVIL CASES may also order other types of relief, such
as a declaration of the legal rights of the
A federal civil case involves a legal plaintiff in a particular situation.
dispute between two or more parties. To To prepare a case for trial, the litigants
begin a civil lawsuit in a federal court, may conduct “discovery.” In discovery,
the plaintiff files a document called a the litigants must provide information to
“complaint” with the court and “serves” a each other about the subject matter of
copy of the complaint on the defendant. the case, such as the identity of witnesses,
The complaint is a short statement the expected testimony of the witnesses,
that describes the plaintiff’s injury or and copies of any documents related to
other legal claim and explains how the the case. The purpose of discovery is to
defendant caused the injury or damage. prepare for trial and to prevent surprises
The complaint states a basis for the at trial by requiring the litigants to
court’s jurisdiction and asks the court to assemble their evidence and prepare to
order relief. A plaintiff may seek monetary call witnesses before the trial begins. The
compensation for damages or ask the scope of discovery is broad, and the parties
court to order the defendant to stop the themselves conduct discovery under the
conduct that is causing the harm. The court procedural rules of the courts. Judges are
24............................................................................................................................The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts