Builders can use different kinds of structures to build different things. A skyscraper, for example, is a different kind of structure from a bool biston
4. Writers use different structures to build their ideas. Each text structure communicates ideas in a different way
5. Chronological order Authors use chronological order to explain how things happen in Chronological order is also called sequence or
6. Chronological order A'CTt AIIM eek mners ta you are reading a text in chronological order because you will see words like first, next, later, then, and finally
7. Chronological order You will often see chronological order in obiqo nos tte Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It’s simple! First, boil some water and make some macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!
8. Chronological order Notice the transition words that connect the events in these directions. Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It’s simple! First, boil some water and make some macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!
9. chronological order? Pennsylvania has many Through the ages, ennsylvania has seen historic sites. You can visit Revolutionary war sites, like Valley Forge. You can also visit important locations from the Civil War, like Gettysburg. Finally, you can also see the site of the first oil well in Titusville. Pennsylvania has many neat je ULem OMY Iya many interesting events. aM at-ecie-] Xm T-mcelelare( =e Ta) 1681 by William Penn. Later, Pennsylvania was the site of important Revolutionary War battles. After that, Pennsylvania was home to new factories during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Pennsylvania continues to make history.
Pennsylvania continues to make history
11. chronological order? MM aniw omdaKe paragraph in order. Can you find the clue words that show this order? many interesting events. aM at-mie-) Xm melelarel emia) 1681 by William Penn. Later, Pennsylvania was the site of important Revolutionary War battles. After that, Pennsylvania was home to new factories during the Industrial Revolution. Today, Pennsylvania continues to make history.
12. e What is a structure? ¢ What does chronological order e What are some clue words that show chronological order? "i
13. Another text structure Lassi RAZ erNBbarTel author doesn’t want to show how Yoyeecan evbeteg happened in ¢ The author would need to use another ike q cL BMP CRT Aey
Suppose an author wanted to explain how these two birds are similar and different. Chronological order wouldn’t work---there is no order of events. The author would need to use
The cardinal and the goldfinch are two common birds. Both are brightly colored. Both are common at birdfeeders. But the birds have some differences. The male cardinal is a bright red, while the male goldfinch is yellow. Cardinals like shrubs and trees, while goldfinches prefer open meadows.
16. When authors use the text structure of compare and contrast, they often use special clue words to ON M AOI c> CLA MOLG ADT ACR
Can you find the clue words in the paragraph?
The cardinal and the goldfinch are two common birds. Both are brightly colored. Both are common at birdfeeders. But the birds have some differences. The male cardinal is a bright red, while the male goldfinch is yellow. Cardinals like shrubs and trees, while goldfinches prefer open meadows.
The cardinal and the goldfinch are two common birds. are lerdadaace acre are common at birdfeeders. the birds have some differences. The male cardinal is a bright red, sa etcs male goldfinch is yellow. Cardinals abUCcmcd evap Nolcmr-beXo Ma WclcIom goldfinches prefer open meadows.
19. Goldfinch Cardinal Details from a text written as compare and contrast can be organized as a Venn diagram.
20. Graphic Organizers We can also use a chart to show the details. Goldfinch Cardinal
21. Graphic Organizers ¢ Can you explain the difference between chronological order and compare and contrast? ¢ How can clue words help you as a
22. Another text structure Sometimes, a writer wants to explain how one event leads to another. This kind of text structure is called cause and effect.
23. Cause and Effect When authors write paragraphs to show causes and effects, they use words like cause, effect, as a result, consequently, and so.
24. Can you find the clue words? The night’s snowstorm had many effects. People were out shoveling snow from their sidewalks. The power lines were draped with ice. Snow plows drove down every street. Children were the happiest of all. The unexpected snow caused school to be
25. Can you find the clue words? The night’s snowstorm had many effects. People were out shoveling snow from their sidewalks. The power lines were draped with ice. Snow plows drove down every street. Children were the happiest of all. The unexpected snow caused school to be
26. Baby painted turtles spend all winter in their nests. They have special chemicals in their blood that can keep their blood from freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles can survive freezing temperatures! (Orri etm ative TW Lom erLENoSae-T aCe) effects in this
their blood p their blood from
Bam erate [orc BINT Se
28. Baby painted turtles spend all winter in their nests. They have special chemicals in their blood that can keep their blood from freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles can survive freezing temperatures! SUB ORS
30. Which text structure explains how things happen in time order? Oreos aOneloe
How do these pictures relate to
31. Sometimes, an author will want to explain a problem, and then show one or more This kind of text structure is called PRE AMC MXC) LCL B
34. An example of problem and solution Heavy rains can cause flooding in small streams. For weather forecasters and local authorities, this flooding can be difficult to predict. Fortunately, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has more than 7,000 streamgages Fite beCer ITC To doh ARN BITC streamgages help scientists to monitor water levels in good and Loy Te MU Morett Cora
35. An example of problem and solution Heavy rains can cause flooding in small streams. For weather forecasters and local authorities, this flooding can be difficult to predict. Fortunately, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has more than 7,000 streamgages ed ez... Tate beCereL\ TCV Tosa doh AaB Berto streamgages help scientists to monitor water levels in good and Loy Te MY orett Cor
36. Often, authors will signal problem and solution structure with clue words like
Synonyms for problem include CHILO LL AYRES uncertainty, worry, threat, and trouble Synonyms for solution include possibility, hope, bright spot, answer, and
38. What is the Brown marmorated stinkbugs have caused many problems since they were accidentally introduced to North America. They damage fruit, bother people, and harm crops. Scientists are trying to find a solution. One promising possibility is a species of wasp that originally comes from Asia. This wasp is a predator of stinkbugs. Scientists hope that this wasp could solve the stinkbug problem.
39. Brown marmorated stinkbugs have caused many problems since they were accidentally introduced to North America. They damage fruit, bother people, and harm crops. Scientists are trying to find a solution. One promising possibility is a species of wasp that originally comes from Asia. This wasp is a predator of stinkbugs. Scientists hope that this wasp could solve the stinkbug problem.
40. What is the Brown marmorated stinkbugs have caused many problems since they were accidentally introduced to North America. They damage fruit, bother people, and harm crops. Scientists are trying to find a solution. One promising possibility is a species of wasp that originally comes from Asia. This wasp is a predator of stinkbugs. Scientists hope that this wasp could solve the stinkbug problem.
41. Brown marmorated stinkbugs have caused many problems since they were accidentally introduced to North America. They damage fruit, bother people, and harm crops. Scientists are trying to find a Scientists hope that this wasp could solve the stinkbug problem.
42. Text structures we’ve learned so far Chronological order Compare and contrast Or orviemaeicel Problem and solution
43. (OTM Zel Bite lecRO HMR Co Catal oar em MUR CG words point to? however, on the other hand, similarity, like, ATTN Nee) Compare and
44. Match the clue words! (OHM Bere ecRO MUR Co Catala em I MIRAI CG words point to? Ewe cele Lm ofodTSLe SHLAA Cause and effect therefore, so, cause,
words point to?
46. This text structure is used to describe a location, idea, or acer ame
47. BU item XeyeCe Cem oercan GOAN place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the joLeveCemmseetcD I MYT CordCOM cere grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance.
48. Main idea WUT ROM MCT place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the pond, small wildflowers grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance.
49. Main idea UTA OCMC MUTA jee CMU AY ame Uitte V loti tes leaves, all different colors, 2 decorated the surface of the SP Ler Nae Oat CG joLeveCeSeetD I MW Cord CON Lere ORLA are NCO anata glowed faintly in the distance. and describe the pond.
50. Clue words in these paragraphs may One reason, another reason, and for
51. These paragraphs may also include spatial order words to show how details relate to each other: adm OMe NRCC D above, and so forth
52. On the next few slides, you will read some paragraphs about the Great Chicago Fire. Your task is to identify TiCeetoembulaatincs ied CET mOion
53. What’s the text structure? (Orie vel Problem and Rey tute Copa) Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the flames coming from the O'Leary barn at around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be another day before the fire would be completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings had been burned.
54. * Chronological * Compare and * Problem and Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the flames coming from the O'Leary barn at around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be another day before the fire would be completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings had been burned.
55. What’s the text structure? * Chronological Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the flames coming from the O'Leary barn at around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be another day before the fire would be completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings had been burned.
56. * Chronological Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the flames coming from the O'Leary barn at around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was blazing. /n another 3 hours, there were fires all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be another day before the fire would be completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings had been burned.
57. * Chronological * Notice how the paragraph SiC m Oa Aone tebe erty in time order Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the flames coming from the O’Leary barn at around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was blazing. /n another 3 hours, there were fires all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be another day before the fire would be completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings had been burned.
58. TELM e OTC dmn ES aS elico mt order can help you to Soot vomyt-raccre Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the flames coming from the O'Leary barn at around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with the alarm box made it impossible for the people in the area to call for the fire department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all over Chicago. The how the Great heavy wind coming from the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be another day before the fire would be completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings had been burned.
59. Try another! 1 NWA CCR Cau hee eo at eT) ere pea pe aoe aan ane actomiln ily departments and fire alarms. One (Orosnryeyteem- rite ete Ra ale) ee trast alarm malfunctioned. The local fire Cougs company noticed the fire by accident (oriental as it was returning from another fire. aiiieei As another problem, a watchman who saw the flames directed other fire Problem and companies to a location that was nearly F a mile away from the fire. Because of Solliitor sO MA a a ACL (| Description have been controlled rapidly spread rola a eel BA
60. Try another! Why was the Great Chicago Fire so disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire (@rosirvereem- rite departments and fire alarms. One rete reason for the terrible fire is that the alarm malfunctioned. The local fire OWE company noticed the fire by accident ate as it was returning from another fire. As another problem, a watchman who Problem and saw the flames directed other fire solution companies to a location that was nearly COUR NAMA a ae ACT Ag UO aA a a ACL (| have been controlled rapidly spread orotate BA
61. Cause and Try another! Why was the Great Chicago Fire so CIRC utr ara ume ROL oR Kom ala departments and fire alarms. One ete a al) ee eT alarm malfunctioned. The local fire tl eA 0M LC Malem meCeelloL TAL as it was returning from another fire. As another problem, a watchman who saw the flames directed other fire companies to a location that was nearly COCR NAM MA al ae ACT Ag sO MA mM a LACM (e| have been controlled rapidly spread rel eel
62. Try another!
| disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire
* Notice how a I a Fier OTT) PEO arena ce ie
63. Compare and (Or iiertemasices Problem and ois Corey After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food donations that were pouring in from other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and even vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
64. * Chronological * Cause and effect * Problem and After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food donations that were pouring in from other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and even vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
65. Problem and ois Covey After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food donations that were pouring in from other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and even vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
66. What text structure is here? Problem and Here is the After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean 14 gare RAI) ae ed Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food donations that were pouring in from other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and even vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
67. * Problem and After the fire, thousands of people were left homeless. Many escaped the fire with nothing except the clothes on their backs. Providing all of these people with food, clean eT X=1Omr-T ALC METKON ce OL 0 Le [ot Ka Luckily, the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid Society. This group started giving out the food other cities. The society built places for people to live, gathered the tools that people needed to rebuild their houses, and evenvaccinated = 64,000 people against smallpox.
68. Cause and Problem and Chicago changed in many ways after the fire. Before the fire, most of the buildings were less than five stories high. The buildings that were constructed after the fire, however, were some of the first skyscrapers in the country. Before PRN od M ACOCMTn eLo of wood. After the fire, people chose to build their houses out of stone or brick. There were changes in where people lived, as well. The poor people in the city lived Col A CO ROA ad AR A fire. After the fire, they moved into neighborhoods that were farther away see MA Mola ce
69. aired first skyscrapers in the country. Before
* Description } A ; es wena tials ———— build their houses out of stone or brick,
fire. After os fire, they moved into neighborhoods ha: were Tal he cel Tey aia EA MeCN LAMM tet
70. (fees ee hia
Chicago changed in many ways after the fire. Before the fire, most of the buildings were less than five stories high. The buildings that were constructed after the fire, however, were some of the bie on ee eel ia at Ae Me PRS MA COM Tw elo of wood. After the fire, people chose to build their houses out of stone or brick. There were changes in where people lived, as well. The poor people in the city lived Col CO ROA ad AR fire. After the fire, they moved into neighborhoods that were farther away sae Ma MALTA se
paragraph is wat ry oe
Saaeeevabey U i r (enteric) BN y eae master MM date) 1 Xe | BEFORE the Ra La LA Re a et bea OO) Nez Sila ea ele PA AON eC) AFTER the fire. neighborhoods that were farther away
aia MA MeCN AMM xet
72. Can you find the text structure? Notice how this paragraph is BEFORE the fire to Chicago PANS WS) Cob CoN Chicago changed in many ways after the fire. Before the fire, most of the buildings were less than five stories high. The buildings that were constructed har Pal AC ae eo first skyscrapers in the country. Before te PS) MA MC CM Ameo of wood. After the fire, people chose to build their houses out of stone or brick. There were changes in where people lived, as well. The poor people in the city lived Col A CO ROA) RV A RA fire. After the fire, they moved into neighborhoods that were farther away sae MA Moa xe
73. _ One more paragraph! By Monday night, the * Chronological own of Chicago was orlos | itas terrible, butamazing. = gontrast nA celles hedol hs io han anything peop ever seen. The harsh winds ° Problem and swept the fire across the Oat city with terrible speed. For * Description many who watched, itwaSs ——— a sig o remember for the | rest of their lives.
74. By Monday night, the * Compare and town of Chicago was on nents burning. People described it as terrible, but amazing. The flames were brighter _ than anything people had * Description ever seen. The harsh winds swept the fire across the city with terrible speed. For many who watched, it was a sight to remember for the ix=x-iemo) a=) Noe * Cause and effect
75. By Monday night, the town of Chicago was burning. People described it as terrible, but amazing. The flames were brighter than anything people had ever seen. The harsh winds swept the fire across the city with terrible speed. For many who watched, it was a sight to remember for the rest of their lives. * Description
76. One more paragraph! By Monday night, the town of Chicago was burning. People described it as terrible, but amazing. a at-mil-Vaa(-som Ni -1e-m olalelalncia than anything people had ever seen. The harsh winds swept the fire across the city with terrible speed. For many who watched, it was a sight to remember for the rest of their lives. * Description * Notice the main idea that drives the
77. i Pe MAN sO TE ocmoar ent Ke , 5 " 4 do you find most + = ee MBC TIT em COR Tere ie | eee mma
79. What other questions eo Zolt MICA Vom-LeLelt le Kp mI UMUCOLAEU ROSA