Vocabulary Chart: Multiple Meaning Words - Understanding What You Read

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A vocabulary chart for words having multiple meanings depending on the context they are used.
1. Multiple Meaning Words
Understanding what you read
2. What does multiple mean?
Meaning: More
than one, many
3. What does multiple mean?
Meaning: More
than one, many
Related words
4. What does multiple mean?
Meaning: More
than one, many
Related words Opposites
multiply single
multiplication only
multi-colored solo
5. What does multiple mean?
Multiple Multiple meaning
Meaning: More words have more
than one, many than one meaning!
Related words Opposites
multiply single
multiplication only
multi-colored solo
6. Why learn about these words?
Many English words have multiple
meanings. Knowing these different
meanings can help us to understand
what we read.
7. Think about the word fly
What different meanings does it have?
8. Think about the word fly
What different meanings does it have?
-to move through the air
9. Think about the word fly
What different meanings does it have?
-to move through the air
-a kind of insect
10. Which meaning?
1. To move
through the We watched the
air leaves fly through
2. A kind of the air.
11. Which meaning?
1. To move
through the We watched the
air leaves fly through
2. A kind of the air.
12. Which meaning?
1. To move
through the We watched the
air leaves fly through
2. A kind of the air.
How do you know
which meaning
13. Using context
We can use context, or the words
around a multiple meaning word, to
figure out its meaning.
14. Which meaning?
The turtles crawled up on the
bank of the river.
1.The edge of a waterway
2.A place to keep money
3.To keep money in a bank
15. Which meaning?
The turtles crawled up on the
bank of the river.
Which meaning
fits the context
1.The edge of a waterway of the
2.A place to keep money sentence?
3.To keep money in a bank
16. Which meaning?
The turtles crawled up on the
bank of the river.
A river is a kind
of waterway
1.The edge of a waterway
2.A place to keep money
3.To keep money in a bank
17. Which meaning?
The turtles crawled up on the
bank of the river.
This meaning
matches the
1.The edge of a waterway context
2.A place to keep money
3.To keep money in a bank
18. Which meaning
of project?
The student created a colorful art
1. To throw forward
2. To cause an image to appear
3. A school assignment
19. Which meaning
of project?
The student created a colorful art
1. To throw forward
2. To cause an image to appear
3. A school assignment
20. Which meaning
of project?
The student created a colorful art
How did you
1. To throw forward know which
2. To cause an image to appear matched the
3. A school assignment sentence??
21. Which meaning of play?
The children
performed a play
in a pavilion at
the park.
1. To do something fun and
2. To participate in a game
3. A show or performance
22. Which meaning of play?
The children
performed a play
in a pavilion at
the park.
1. To do something fun and
What context can
amusing help you to figure
2. To participate in a game this out?
3. A show or performance
23. Which meaning of play?
The children
performed a play
in a pavilion at
the park.
1. To do something fun and
Why is the picture
amusing misleading?
2. To participate in a game
3. A show or performance
24. Learning new meanings
Often, you’ll have to figure out new
meanings for words.
What does the word spring mean?
25. Learning new meanings
Does your meaning for spring match
the way it is used in the sentence
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
26. Learning new meanings
Does your meaning for spring match
the way it is used in the sentence
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
Do you know the
meaning of spring
that’s used in this
27. Learning new meanings
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
1.To rise or leap into the air
2.A place where water wells up from the
3.A coiled piece of metal
4.A season between winter and summer
28. Learning new meanings
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
1.To rise or leap into the air
2.A place where water wells up from the
3.A coiled piece of metal
4.A season between winter and summer
29. Learning new meanings
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
A place where water wells up from the
How is this meaning similar to or
different from the meaning that you first
thought of for spring?
30. Learning new meanings
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
A place where water wells up from the
How did the context of the sentence
change your thinking?
31. Learning new meanings
I went to the spring to get a bucket of
fresh water.
This picture shows a
springhouse. People
used to build these
around springs to
help keep them clean.
They used the
springhouse as a
source of water.
32. Learning new meanings
Often, the different meanings of words
are all related. You just need to think
about how they can fit together.
Think about the
word chilly. What
does it mean?
33. Learning new meanings
The tourists weren’t happy with the
chilly welcome that they received from
the hotel clerk.
In this sentence,
chilly doesn’t really
mean cold. What
could it mean? Why?
34. Learning new meanings
The tourists weren’t happy with the
chilly welcome that they received from
the hotel clerk.
As it’s used in this
sentence, chilly
means unfriendly.
How does this relate
to the other meaning
of chilly?
35. Learning New Meanings
Think about what happens when a
rocket is launched. Explain what
launch means.
To launch a rocket means to send it
up into the air. What else can you
36. Learning New Meanings
The school newspaper was launched
last week.
Uh-oh! Was the school newspaper
thrown into the air?
37. Learning New Meanings
The school newspaper was launched
last week.
Launch: To send into the air
Launch: To start something new
This is a different meaning for
launch. The school newspaper was
started last week.
38. Learning New Meanings
The school newspaper was launched
last week.
Launch: To send into the air
Launch: To start something new
How are these two meanings related?
39. Practice and Review
What is a multiple meaning word?
A multiple
meaning word
has more than
one meaning.
40. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses run in the same
way as the sentence below?
The creek runs through the park.
A.The children run at gym class.
B.The ink runs when it gets wet.
C.The road runs across town.
41. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses run in the same
way as the sentence below?
The creek runs through the park.
A.The children run at gym class.
B.The ink runs when it gets wet.
C.The road runs across town.
42. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses the word field as it is
used in the sentence below?
The scientist was an expert
in the field of wildflowers.
A. The school field was covered in yellow
B.The baseball players spent the end of the
inning in the field.
C.The field of astronomy can be fascinating to
43. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses the word field as it is
used in the sentence below?
The scientist was an expert
in the field of wildflowers.
A. The school field was covered in yellow
B.The baseball players spent the end of the
inning in the field.
C.The field of astronomy can be fascinating to
44. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses the word field as it is
used in the sentence below?
The scientist was an expert
in the field of wildflowers.
The field of astronomy can be fascinating to
In both of these sentences, field means an
area of study. How can the context help you
figure this out?
45. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses the word palm as it is
used in the sentence below?
The students hiked through
the forest of palms.
A. The greenhouse contained several palms.
B.The burglar palmed the jewels.
C.The preschoolers had paint all over their
46. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses the word palm as it is
used in the sentence below?
The students hiked through
the forest of palms.
A. The greenhouse contained several palms.
B.The burglar palmed the jewels.
C.The preschoolers had paint all over their
47. Practice and Review
Which sentence uses the word palm as it is
used in the sentence below?
The students hiked through
the forest of palms.
The greenhouse contained several palms.
In both of these sentences, a palm is a kind
of tree. What context helped you to figure
this out?
48. Time to Reflect
What have you learned about multiple
meaning words?
49. Emily Kissner