This vocabulary chart lists various kinds of words and their meanings. A list or collection of the words or phrases of a language, technical field, etc., usually arranged in alphabetical order and defined.
1. Unit 1 Module A Lesson
2. location- a place (variation - locate)
The location of the pet store is close to the dog park: The pond is located across from the park.
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3. earned- something that is collected or gained (variation - earnings)
4. overtime- part of a salary that is gained from working extra time
She worked overtime. That means The game was tied so it went into she worked longer than she was overtime. That’s extra time added supposed to so she could earn more to the game. mone" a mad oh
5. competition- a contest that will have a winner (variation - compete)
6. solution- a blend or mixture (variation - solve)
The scientist mixed the solution for The student was able to solve the the experiment. difficult math equations. He found the solution.
7. sometiint (variation -
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9. vitae Tena Ia Ra Cu eC EE
Does Joey have a dog Add the suffix -ation walking business? to the base word Yes, that is affirm to make the words affirmation.
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Scientists make observations Add the suffix -ational to the and take notes during word observe to make the word experiments. That means they observational. watch the experiment to look for changes. They observe too see what happens.
11. hypothesis- to make a prediction (variation - hypothetical)
The students made a hypothesis. They thought about the experiment and stated what they thought would happen if plants didn’t get water.
12. to grow something (variation -
We wanted to see if plants could grow in different conditions. We used two mediums, sunlight and darkness. ——2 |
13. culprit- someone or something who is guilty (variation - culpable)
The police caught the culprit that robbed the bank.