What do u mean by bonding? What are the types of bonding?

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In chemistry, a bond or chemical bond is a link between atoms in molecules or compounds and between ions and molecules in crystals. A bond represents a lasting attraction between different atoms, molecules, or ions.
1. Ch. 6
The Structure of Matter
The Importance of BONDING
5. Important Terms
• Element = a pure substance that cannot
be separated or broken down into simpler
substances by chemical means
• Atom = the smallest unit of an element
that maintains the chemical properties of
that element
• Compound = a substance made up of
atoms of two or more different elements
joined by chemical bonds
6. Bonding
• Atoms with unfilled valence shells are
considered unstable.
• Atoms will try to fill their outer shells by
bonding with other atoms.
• Chemical bond = the attractive force
that holds atoms or ions together in a
7. Atomic Bonds
• Atoms form atomic
bonds to become
more stable.
– Atoms become more
stable by filling their
valence shell or at
Exception to Octet Rule
least meeting the octet of 8 valence electrons:
rule by getting 8 Helium—which only has
valence electrons. 1 energy level and holds
a max. of 2 electrons
8. Atomic Bonds
• There are three main types of chemical
bonds used by atoms to fill their valence
– Covalent Chemical
– Metallic Bond”
– Ionic
9. Chemical Formulas
• A chemical formula tells us:
– the type of atoms present
– the number of atoms present
– the type of compound
10. Chemical Formulas
• Example: table salt:
Sodium Chloride
• Chemical formula:
– NaCl
• Count the atoms
– 1 Na atom
– 1 Cl atom
11. Chemical Formulas
• Sometimes there are subscripts present.
– A subscript is a small number that is in a chemical formula. If no
subscript is present assume that it is 1.
– Example - water: H2O
• 2 H atoms
• 1 O atom
12. Chemical Formulas
• Sometimes there are parentheses with a subscript. The subscript
only applies to the atoms within the parentheses.
• Example - calcium hydroxide (kidney stones): Ca(OH) 2.
– 1 Ca atom
– 2 O atoms
– 2 H atoms
13. Chemical Formulas
• Sometimes there are subscripts in the
parentheses. Multiply the subscript outside the
parentheses by the subscript of each element
within the parentheses.
• Example - calcium nitrate: Ca(NO3)2
– 1 Ca atom
– 2 N atoms
– 6 O atoms (3 oxygens x 2 = 6)
14. Covalent Bonds
• Covalent bonds form between two non-
metals. Groups 14-17 on the Periodic Table
• Covalent bonds are formed when atoms
SHARE electrons.
– Both atoms need to gain electrons to become
stable, so they share the electrons they have.
• Atoms can share more than one pair of
electrons to create double and triple bonds.
15. Properties of Covalent
Results in a NEUTRAL molecule
Weak bonds
 Physical State usually liquids or
 Low Melting and Boiling Points
 Poor conductors of electricity
(no free electrons to move around)
16. Covalent Bonds
Use Lewis structures to draw valence electrons for
each atom in the covalent pair.
Each chlorine atom wants to gain one
electron to achieve an octet.
17. Covalent Bonds
The octet is achieved by each atom
sharing the electron pair in the middle.
Now, each Chlorine atom has 8 valence
electrons because it is sharing one pair.
18. Chlorine Molecule
It is a single bonding pair so it is called a
single covalent bond. The compound
is now called a molecule.
Cl Cl Cl2
19. Covalent Bonds
How will oxygen bond?
20. Covalent Bonds
Two bonding pairs, making a double bond.
The double bond can be shown as two dashes
21. Covalent Bonds
• Elements can share up to three pairs of
electrons. (6 total electrons).
Single Bond
Double Bond
Triple Bond
22. Covalent Bonds
• Atoms can share their electrons equally or unequally.
• When atoms share electrons equally, it is called a non-polar
covalent bond.
– Non-polar covalent bonds form between atoms of the same type.
Ex: H2, Cl2,
• When atoms share electrons unequally it is called a polar
covalent bond.
– One atom pulls the electrons closer to itself.
– The atom that pulls the electrons more gets a slightly negative
– The other atom gets a slightly positive charge.
• Ex: Water molecule
Bonding Animation
23. Covalent Bonds Nomenclature
• Naming binary covalent
compounds: # of Atoms Prefix
– Two nonmetals 1 mono-
– Name each element 2 di-
– Change the ending of 3 tri-
the 2nd element to 4 tetra-
–ide 5
– Use prefixes to 7 hepta-
indicate the # of atoms of 8 octa-
each element
9 nona-
– Do not use “mono” with
the first element 10 deca-
24. Covalent Bonds Nomenclature
• CO # of Atoms Prefix
– carbon monoxide 1 mono-
• CO2 2 di-
– carbon dioxide 3 tri-
• 4 tetra-
– 5 penta-
phosphorus trichloride
6 hexa-
• CCl4
7 hepta-
– carbon tetrachloride
8 octa-
• N2O
9 nona-
– dinitrogen monoxide
10 deca-
25. Covalent Bonds Nomenclature
Given the following covalent compounds,
WRITE the correct chemical formula.
Name Chemical Formula
Hydrogen Disulfide
Diphosphorus pentoxide
P2 O5
Trinitrogen hexafluoride N3F6
26. Practice: Drawing Covalent Bonds
• We can illustrate covalent bonding using Lewis
• 1 – Draw a Lewis structure for each element.
– Ex: C H
• 2 - Continue adding atoms until all atoms have a full valence
carbon tetrahydride
27. Ions
• Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose
• Ions are charged atoms (positive or negative).
• Positive ions are called cations.
– Formed when the atom loses electrons.
– Lose negative charge, becomes positive ION
– Metals
• Negative ions are call anions.
– Formed when the atom gains electrons.
– Gain negative charge, become negative ION
– Non-metals
28. Ionic Bonds
• Ionic bonds are formed between metals and
• Ionic bonds are formed between oppositely
charged atoms (ions).
• Ionic bonds are formed by the transfer of
– One atom loses (gives away) electrons.
– One atom gains (receives) electrons.
29. Ionic Bonds
• Use the number of valence electrons to
determine the # of electrons that are lost or
needing to be gained.
• The transfer of electrons create a positive ion
and a negative ion. The opposite charges attract
one another, causing a chemical bond to form.
Bonding Animation
30. Atoms with 4 or less valence
electrons want to LOSE (give
away) their valence electrons.
[Groups 1, 2, 13, 14]
Atoms with 4 or more valence
electrons want to GAIN (receive)
more electrons to satisfy their
octet. [Groups 14, 15, 16, 17]
31. Ionic Bonds
• The normal charge of an
ion can be quickly
determined using the
oxidation number of an
– The oxidation number of
an atom is the charge that
atom would have if the
compound was composed
of ions.
32. Ionic Bonds
• To find the oxidation
number :
Look at Group #
Determine # of valence
If 4 or less, atom will
lose (give away)
valence electrons (ion is
If 4 or more, atom will
gain the needed # to fill
valence shell. (ion is
33. Ionic Bonds
• Example:
– Beryllium is in Group 2
– Be has 2 e-
– Wants to achieve octet
– Loses the 2 e-
– Oxidation #/Ion charge of
• Example:
– Nitrogen is in Group 15
– N has 5 e-
– Needs 3 more for octet
– Gains 3 e-
– Oxidation #/Ion charge of
34. Practice: Determining Oxidation
Atom Group Valence Oxidation
Electrons Number
16 6 -2
2 2 +2
Fluorine -1
17 7
15 5 -3
1 1 +1
35. Ionic Bonding Nomenclature
To name Binary Ionic Compounds:
 2 elements—one METAL and one NON-METAL
 Cation is always written first [Metal]
 Cation name stays the same
 Anion is written second [Non-metal]
 Change the non-metal’s ending to “-ide”.
36. Sodium Chloride Name the metal ion
Calcium Oxide Name the nonmetal
Al2S3 ion, changing the
Aluminum Sulfide suffix to –ide.
Magnesium Iodide
BaNa2 Thisshould
You is two of
name metals
this is–Banana
recognize not a binary
a problem ionic
– this
with haha)one
37. Drawing Ionic Bonds
• 1 – Draw the Lewis structure for each
– Ex: Na Cl
• 2 – Draw arrows to show the TRANSFER
(gain/loss) of electrons [draw extra atoms
if needed]
38. Drawing Ionic Bonds (continued)
• 3 – Draw ion Lewis diagrams showing the
new charge for each ion.
– Ex:
• 4- Write the chemical formula for the
compound formed represents the ratio of
negative ions to positive ions.
– Ex: NaCl – for every 1 sodium ion, there is also
1 chlorine ion.
Chemical Formula = NaCl
39. Practice Drawing Ionic Bonds
Elements Lewis Transfer Formula
40. “Swap & Drop” Method
Given the name of an Ionic Compound, you can determine the chemical
formula using the “swap and drop” method:
1. Write the symbols for each ion.
2. Determine the oxidation number of each ion.
3. Swap and Drop
4. Reduce (if necessary).
5. Rewrite
41. Ionic vs. Covalent Bonds in
Binary Compounds
Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds
• Form when electrons • Form when electrons
are transferred are shared between
between atoms. atoms.
• Form between a • Form between two
metal and a non- non-metals.
Both types of bonds result in all atoms
having a full outer energy level.
42. Ionic vs. Covalent Bonds in
Binary Compounds
Other comparisons between Ionic and Covalent Compounds:
Ionic Compounds Covalent Compounds
• Results in a • Results in a Neutral
Neutral Compound Molecule
• Crystalline Solid • Mostly results in
• Strong Bonds gases or liquids
• High Melting • Weak Bonds
Point • Low Melting Points
43. Polyatomic Ions
• A polyatomic ion is a group of
covalently bonded atoms that have lost
or gained an electron. (Example: Nitrate
NO3- and Ammonium NH4+).
– Oppositely charged polyatomic ions can
form compounds. (Example: Ammonium
nitrate NH4NO3).
44. Polyatomic Ions
• Naming of these Common Polyatomic Ions
ammonium NH4+
compounds follows
carbonate CO32-
the same rules as bicarbonate HCO3-
binary ionic hydroxide OH-
compounds. nitrate NO3-
– The most important nitrite NO2-
part is recognizing phosphate PO43-
there is a polyatomic sulfate SO42-
ion present. sulfite SO32-
acetate C2H3O2-
45. Practice: Polyatomic Ions
To go from the formula to
the name:
1. Name the cation.
2. Name the anion.
46. Polyatomic Ions
To go from
name to formula:
1. Write the symbols for
each ion.
2. Determine the
oxidation number of O 2-
each ion.
3. Swap and Drop
4. Reduce (if necessary).
5. Put parentheses
around the polyatomic (NH4)2O
ion if receives a
** Remember charges CANCEL
subscript greater than out each other!!
6. Rewrite
47. Practice: Polyatomic Ions
Compound Name Oxidation #s Chemical Formula
Calcium phosphate
Ca2+ PO43- Ca3(PO4)2
Sodium hydroxide Na1+ OH1- NaOH
Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4
NH41+ SO42-
48. Metallic Bonds
• Metallic bonds are metal to
metal bonds formed by the
attraction between positively
charged metal ions and the
electrons around them.
– Atoms are packed tightly together
to the point where outermost
energy levels overlap.
• This allows electrons to move freely
from one atom to the next making
them great conductors of electricity.
49. Transition Metals--Ionic Compounds
• Transition metals are cations that
have variable charges that makes
them hard to name.
– We use Roman numerals to indicate the
charge of a transition metal.
• Example:
– copper (II) oxide – charge of copper for this
compound is +2
– titanium (IV) sulfide – charge of titanium for this
compound is +4
50. Transition Metal Ionic
• To go from formula to name you
need to determine the Roman
numeral for your transition metal.
1. If there are no subscripts, simply
give the transition metal the
equal and opposite charge to the
2. Now use normal ionic bonding
rules putting your new number in
Roman numerals to the right of
your transition metal ONLY.
51. Transition Metal Ionic
• To go from formula to name
you need to determine the
Roman numeral for your
transition metal:
1. If there are subscripts present
use the reverse “Swap and
2. Now use normal ionic bonding
rules putting your new number
in Roman numerals to the right
of your transition metal ONLY.