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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Number and Place Value
Count forwards and backwards in 4, 8, 50 and 100.
1. Continue the sequences:
a. 4, 8, 12, 16, , ,
b. 24, 32, 40, , ,
c. 900, 800, 700, , ,
d. 150, 200, 250, , ,
Find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number.
2. What number is 10 more than 73?
3. What number is 100 less than 340?
Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number.
4. Underline the tens digit in the following numbers:
562 584 703 821
Compare and order numbers up to 1000.
5. Write a number so that each sentence makes sense:
a. 345 <
b. 294 >
c. 833 =
6. Order the following numbers from largest to smallest:
77 86 78 84 74
Largest Smallest
7. Order these numbers from smallest to largest:
289 298 258 247 293
Smallest Largest
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations.
8. What number is shown:
Read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words.
9. Write 357 in words.
10. Write two hundred and seventy-four in numerals.
Solve number problems and practical problems.
11. What needs to be added to the following number to make 234?
204 +
12. Cross out the Dienes that are not needed to represent the number 162.
Addition and Subtraction
Add and subtract numbers mentally.
13. Calculate the following:
a. 286 + 4 =
b. 256 - 30 =
c. 172 + 300 =
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits using formal written methods.
14. Calculate the following:
a. b. c.
6 7 8 6 8 3 3 6 4
+ 3 2 3 − 2 5 1 − 1 2 9
Estimate the answer to a calculation and use the inverse operation to check.
15. Use the inverse to check the following calculations. Circle ‘Correct’ or ‘Incorrect’:
a. 328 + 126 = 456 Correct/Incorrect
b. 267 − 138 = 129 Correct/Incorrect
Solve problems including missing numbers.
16. Fill in the missing numbers to make these calculations correct:
4 7 2 + 3 6 = 3 6
b. There are 460 people on a plane. 125 of the passengers are British, 104 are American
and the rest are French. How many French people are on board the plane?
Multiplication and Division
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
17. Use your knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables to complete these calculations:
a. × 4 = 32 c. 8 × 6 = e. ÷ 12 = 4
b. 3 × = 27 d. 33 ÷ =3 f. 40 ÷ =8
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Use known facts to solve multiplication and division problems including two-digit
multiplied by one-digit numbers.
18. Partition these numbers or use a column method to calculate these:
a. 24 × 3 = c. 56 ÷ 4 =
b. 18 × 4 = d. 48 ÷ 3 =
Solve problems including missing numbers.
19. Find the missing numbers to complete the following calculations:
4 3 × = 7 2
6 × 3 = 1 6
Solve problems including scaling and correspondence problems.
20. Solve the following problems:
a. There are 8 apples in one box. How many apples are there in 6 boxes?
b. Kangaroos have 2 legs and zebras have 4 legs. A zoo keeper counts 22
legs altogether. How many kangaroos and zebras could there be?
c. 18 cupcakes are shared equally between 3 boxes. How many cupcakes are in each box?
Count up and down in tenths.
21. Fill in the missing numbers to complete the sequence:
2 3 4 6
10 10 10 10
22. Shade in the squares to represent the fraction 10 .
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Find fractions of amounts.
23. Circle ¼ of the strawberries.
24. Circle ¾ of the sweets.
25. What fraction of the apples have been grouped together?
Recognise and show equivalent fractions.
26. Draw lines to match the equivalent fractions.
3 1
4 2
1 6
3 8
1 2
5 10
5 2
10 6
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
27. Calculate the following:
2 1
a. + =
5 5
3 2
b. + =
8 8
3 1
c. − =
4 4
7 3
d. − =
8 8
Compare and order unit fractions.
28. Order these fractions from smallest to largest:
1 1 1 1 1
3 2 5 4 6
Smallest Largest
29. Use < or > to complete these number sentences:
a. ¼ ½
7 3
b. 8 8
Solve problems involving fractions.
30. A cake is divided into 10 slices. Harry takes 2 slices and Emily takes 3. Write what fraction
of the cake is left.
31. Lucy has ¼ of £400. Jack has ¾ of £200. Who has the most money?
Measure, compare, add and subtract measures.
32. Measure this line in cm.
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
33. How much longer is line A than line B?
34. A block of cheese weighs 250g each. Sam cuts off 120g of cheese. How much is left?
35. Draw a line on jug B so that it shows the same amount of liquid as jug A.
1000ml 500ml
900ml 450ml
800ml 400ml
700ml 350ml
600ml 300ml
500ml 250ml
400ml 200ml
300ml 150ml
200ml 100ml
100ml 50ml
0ml A 0ml B
Measure the perimeter of 2D shapes.
36. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.
Perimeter =
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
37. A square is 4cm wide. What is its perimeter?
Perimeter =
Add and subtract amounts of money, giving change.
80 25
p p
38. Julie buys two rubbers and one pencil. How much change will she get from £1?
39. Zain has a £1 coin. He wants to buy a notebook, a ruler and a pencil. How much more
money will he need?
Tell and write the time on an analogue clock and on 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.
40. Write the digital time underneath each clock:
a. b. c.
41. Match the 12-hour and 24-hour times.
3:45 p.m. 14:00
7:30 a.m. 15:45
12:15 p.m. 08:20
8:20 a.m. 07.30
2:00 p.m. 12:15
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Record time in hours, minutes and seconds.
42. A film lasted 2 ½ hours. How long was the film in minutes?
43. James ran the 400m race in 1 minute and 40 seconds. Haamaad ran it in 85 seconds. Who
was the fastest? Explain how you know.
Know the number of seconds in a minute and days in a year.
44. Tania spent 45 days of last year in Spain. How many days was she in the UK?
Draw 2D shapes.
45. Draw a square which has sides of 6cm.
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
46. Draw a rectangle with a length of 8cm and a width of 2cm.
Recognise 3D shapes.
47. Draw lines to match the 3D shapes with their names.
Square-based pyramid
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Recognise right angles and related facts.
48. Mark any right angles on this rectangle with a .
49. Estimate the size of these angles in degrees (°).
a. b. c.
Recognise horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines.
50. Mark a pair of parallel lines on this shape:
51. Mark a pair of perpendicular lines on this shape:
52. Draw a horizontal line.
53. Draw a vertical line.
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Interpret and present data in pictograms, bar charts and tables.
Children in Class 3’s Favourite Colour
No. of children
Purple Red Blue Yellow Green
a. How many children chose red as their favourite colour?
b. How many more children chose blue than yellow?
c. How many children were asked to choose their favourite colour?
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Year 3 Maths Revision Booklet
Solve one and two-step problems using information represented in bar charts, pictograms
and tables.
55. This table show how many packets of crisps were sold in a shop over four weeks.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Ready Salted 50 55 48 52
Cheese and Onion 33 38 20
Salt and Vinegar 15 25 45 30
Chicken 10 12 8 15
a. How many packets of chicken crisps did the shop sell in week 2?
b. Which flavour crisp did the shop sell most of in Week 3?
c. In week 4, the shop sold half the amount of cheese and onion crisps than salt and
vinegar. Fill in the table with how many packets of cheese and onion it sold that week.
d. How many more packets of crisps were sold altogether in week 2 than in week 3?
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