Preterite and Imperfect Tense

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Preterite vs. Imperfect
The preterite tense is used to refer to a single event that happened at a specific point in time or had a specific duration in the past

Preterite and Imperfect tenses are both related to the past, but they function differently.
1. UNIT 5
Uni t
Regular and
Regular and
Spanish Level One Irregular
2. Preterite vs Imperfect:
In Spanish, the Preterite and the Imperfect are used to narrate in the past. The preterite is used to
describe actions completed at a point in the past. The imperfect is used to describe habitual or
continuous actions in the past.
Juan habló dos horas.
Juan spoke two hours.
(action completed)
Las chicas hablaban en inglés.
The girls used to speak in English.
(no definite beginning or end)
3. Forming the Preterite Tense
To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the preterite, simply drop the ending
(-ar) and add one of the following:
é amos
aste asteis
ó aron
To conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the preterite, simply drop the
ending (-er or -ir) and add one of the following:
í imos
iste isteis
ió ieron
4. Preterite Tense (el pretérito)
Regular -AR Verbs -ER Verbs -IR Verbs
Hablar Comer Vivir
yo hablé comí viví
tú hablaste comiste viviste
él, ella, Ud. habló comió vivió
nosotros (as) hablamos comimos vivimos
vosotros (as) hablasteis comisteis vivisteis
ellos, ellas, Uds. hablaron comieron vivieron
Spanish has two basic past tense – the Preterite and the Imperfect. The Preterit
endings are the same for both -er and -ir verbs.
Copyright © 2018 Happy and Bilingual School
5. Preterite Tense
Let’s look at some words and phrases that indicate specific time
frames, and therefore signal the use of the PRETERITE.
ayer (yesterday)
anteayer (the day before yesterday)
anoche (last night)
desde el primer momento (from the first moment)
durante dos siglos (for two centuries)
el otro día (the other day)
en ese momento (at that moment)
entonces (then)
6. Preterite Tense
Let’s look at some words and phrases that indicate specific time
frames, and therefore signal the use of the PRETERITE.
esta mañana (this morning)
esta tarde (this afternoon)
la semana pasada (last week)
el mes pasado (last month)
el año pasado (last year)
hace dos días, años (two days, years ago)
ayer por la mañana (yesterday morning)
ayer por la tarde (yesterday afternoon)
7. When to use the Preterite Tense
1. The preterite is used for actions that can be viewed as single events.
Ella caminó por el parque.
She walked through the park.
Ellos llegaron a las ocho.
They arrived at eight o’clock.
2. The preterite is used to state the beginning or the end of an action.
Empezó a nevar a las ocho de la mañana.
It began to snow at eight in the morning.
8. When to use the Preterite Tense
3. The preterite is used for actions that were repeated a specific number
of times, or occurred during a specific period of time.
Ayer escribí tres cartas.
Yesterday I wrote three letters.
Vivimos allí por cuatro años.
We lived there for four years.
4. The preterite is used for actions that were part of a chain of events.
Ella se levantó, se vistió, y salió de la casa.
She got up, dressed, and left the house.
9. Preterite Tense
4 IRREGULAR VERBS you must memorize them:
Pronoun ser ir dar hacer
yo fui fui di hice
tu fuiste fuiste diste hiciste
el, ella, Ud. fue fue dio hizo
nosotros fuimos fuimos dimos hicimos
vosotros fuisteis fuisteis disteis hicisteis
ellos, ellas, Uds. fueron fueron dieron hicieron
Ser and ir have identical conjugations in the preterite!
10. Preterite Tense
The e ie or o ue stem-changing verbs in the present tense do not make
those changes in the preterite. The -ir stem-changing verbs do change in
the preterite from e i and o u third person singular and plural)
Pronoun cerrar entender preferir dormir
yo cerré entendí preferí dormí
tu cerraste entendiste preferiste dormiste
el, ella, Ud. cerró entendió prefirió durmió
nosotros cerramos entendimos preferimos dormimos
vosotros cerrasteis entendisteis preferisteis dormisteis
ellos, ellas, Uds. cerraron entendieron prefirieron durmieron
Note: This is not a typo; ser and ir do have identical conjugations in the preterite!
11. Practica 1
Change these sentences from the present to the preterite tense:
1. Carlos toma café. ___Carlos tomó café______
2. Nosotros vendemos el carro. _______________________
3. ¿Qué estudias? _______________________
4. No viven aquí. _______________________
5. Entiendo el ejercicio. _______________________
6. Conversan en Español. _______________________
7. Ella pide comida. _______________________
8. No encuentro las llaves. _______________________
9. ¿Cuándo viajas? _______________________
10. El bebe duerme mucho. _______________________
12. Practica 2
Translate the following sentences in Spanish:
1. He called me twice. __Me llamó dos veces.____
2. I bought the dress yesterday. ______________________
3. She lived there for two years. ______________________
4. Our neighbor died last night. ______________________
5. They asked for more money. ______________________
6. Did you guys close the door? ______________________
7. I didn’t drive yesterday. ______________________
8. He lost his cell phone. ______________________
9. We didn’t visit Spain. ______________________
10. What did they serve. ______________________
13. Preterite Tense
In order to preserve the sound of the infinitive, a number of verbs change
orthographically (spelling) in the preterite tense. The following changes occur in the
“yo” form only:
Verbs that end in -gar change g to gu
Verbs that end in -car change c to qu
Verbs that end in -zar change z to c
Here are three examples:
yo jugué (jugar)
yo busqué (buscar)
yo almorcé (almorzar)
14. Preterite Tense
Some common orthographic changing verbs for the preterite tense in these categories are:
-gar -car -zar
cegar aparcar almorzar
colgar buscar autorizar
jugar clarificar cazar
llegar clasificar comenzar
pagar destacar cruzar
plegar empacar empezar
regar justificar forzar
rogar practicar organizar
tragar sacar simbolizar
vagar tocar tropezarse
15. Preterite Tense
The following verbs are irregular in the preterite and must be memorized:
decir traer ver
dije traje vi
dijiste trajiste viste
dijo trajo vio
dijimos trajimos vimos
dijisteis trajisteis visteis
dijeron trajeron vieron
Verbs like Traer: atraer, detraer, distraer, extraer. Maltraer, retraer, sustraer
16. Preterite Tense
Additional Characteristics about verbs with Spelling Changes:
1. Verbs like reír (to laugh), freír (to fry), and sonreír (to smile) have a
written accent mark on most of the forms in the preterite:
reír: reí, reíste, rió, reímos, reísteis, rieron
2. - ir verbs with stems ending in ñ drop the "i" in the third person in
the preterite ( eg. gruñir [to grunt] – gruñó, gruñeron).
3. Verbs ending in –guar, like averiguar (to investigate) change spelling
in the first person singular in the preterite:
averigüé, averiguaste, averigue, averiguamos, averiguasteis, averiguaron
17. Practica 3
Write the first person singular form for each of these verbs:
1. secar ___sequé_______________
2. alcanzar _______________________
3. colocar _______________________
4. pegar _______________________
5. averiguar _______________________
6. freír _______________________
7. ver _______________________
8. gruñir _______________________
9. mascar _______________________
10. cruzar _______________________
18. Practica 3
Write the first person singular form for each of these verbs:
1. secar ___sequé_______________
2. alcanzar _______________________
3. colocar _______________________
4. pegar _______________________
5. averiguar _______________________
6. freír _______________________
7. ver _______________________
8. gruñir _______________________
9. mascar _______________________
10. cruzar _______________________
19. Preterite Tense
For verbs that end in -aer, -eer, -oír, and -oer, the él/ella/usted forms use the
ending “yó” (rather than ió) and the third person plural uses the ending “yeron”
(rather than ieron). The remaining forms gain a written accent over the letter “i.”
Other verbs like creer include: caer, leer, oír, poseer, proveer, roer
Exceptions to this rule include: traer, atraer, distraer
20. Preterite Tense
Verbs that end in -uir change in the same way, but the written accent over the letter
“i” only occurs in the yo form.
Other verbs like huir include: construir, contribuir, destruir, fluir, incluir,
21. Preterite Tense
Verbs that end in -ucir are irregular and conjugated as follows:
Other verbs in this category include:
aducir, conducer, coproducir, deducir, inducer, introducer,
reducer, traducir
22. Preterite Tense
Irregular verbs with different stem but all share the same endings:
Infinitive Stem Change Endings
andar anduv- -e
estar estuv- -iste
tener tuv- -o
caber cup- -imos
haber hub- -isteis
poder pud- -ieron
poner pus-
saber sup-
hacer hic-
querer quis-
venir vin-
Exception: hacer (el/ella/usted hizo)
23. Forming the Imperfect Tense
To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the imperfect, simply drop the ending
(-ar) and add one of the following:
aba ábamos
abas abais
aba aban
To conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the imperfect, simply drop the
ending (-er or -ir) and add one of the following:
ía íamos
ías íais
ía ían
24. Imperfect Tense (Past Tense)
Regular -AR Verbs -ER Verbs -IR Verbs
Hablar Comer Vivir
yo hablaba comía vivía
tú hablabas comías vivías
él, ella, Ud. hablaba comía vivía
nosotros (as) hablábamos comíamos vivíamos
vosotros (as) hablabais comíais vivíais
ellos, ellas, Uds. hablaban comían vivían
The Imperfect tense expresses repeated or continuous actions in the past. It is a
common way to discuss what took place in the past.
Copyright © 2018 Happy and Bilingual School
25. Imperfect Tense
Let’s look at some words and phrases that indicate repetitive, vague and
non-specific time frame and therefore signal the use of the IMPERFECT.
a menudo (often)
a veces (sometimes)
cada día (every day)
cada semana (every week)
cada mes (every month)
cada año (every year)
con frecuencia (frequently)
26. Imperfect Tense
Let’s look at some words and phrases that indicate repetitive, vague and
non-specific time frame and therefore signal the use of the IMPERFECT.
en aquella época (at that time)
Frecuentemente (frequently)
Generalmente (usually)
muchas veces (many times)
Mucho (a lot)
Nunca (never)
por un rato (for awhile)
27. Imperfect Tense
Let’s look at some words and phrases that indicate repetitive, vague and
non-specific time frame and therefore signal the use of the IMPERFECT.
tantas veces (so many times)
todas las semanas (every week)
todos los días (every day)
todo el tiempo (all the time)
varias veces (several times)
Siempre (always)
de vez en cuando (from time to time)
28. When to use the Imperfect Tense
1. The imperfect is used for actions that were repeated habitually.
Almorzábamos juntos todos los días.
We would lunch together every day.
Las señoras siempre charlaban por las mañanas.
The ladies would always chat in the mornings.
2. The imperfect is used for actions that “set the stage” for another
Yo leía cuando entró mi papá.
I was reading when my papa entered. (note that “entered” is
29. When to use the Imperfect Tense
3. The imperfect is used for telling time and stating one’s age.
Eran las siete de la noche.
It was seven o’clock at night.
La niña tenía cinco años.
The little girl was five years old.
The above examples all fall within our general rule for using the imperfect:
The imperfect is used for past actions that are not seen as completed.
30. Imperfect Tense
There are only three irregular verbs in the imperfect. You must
simply memorize them.
ser ir ver
era iba veía
eras ibas veías
era iba veía
éramos íbamos veíamos
erais ibais veíais
eran iban veían
31. SUMMARY: Preterite versus Imperfect
Preterite Tense
1. The preterite is used for actions that can be viewed as single events.
2. The preterite is used for actions that were repeated a specific number of times.
3. The preterite is used for actions that occurred during a specific period of time.
4. The preterite is used for actions that were part of a chain of events.
5. The preterite is used to state the beginning or the end of an action.
Imperfect Tense
1. The imperfect is used for actions that were repeated habitually.
2. The imperfect is used for actions that “set the stage” for another action.
3. The imperfect is used for telling time and stating one’s age.
32. Practica 4
Choose the correct tense (present, preterite, imperfect).
We wash the dishes Nosotros __________ los platos.
I washed the dishes Yo __________ los platos.
I was washing the dishes Yo __________ los platos.
He eats shellfish él __________ mariscos.
He ate shellfish él __________ mariscos.
The gentlemen ate shellfish Ellos __________ mariscos.
They lived in Spain Ellos __________ en España.
I lived in Spain for three years Yo __________ en España por tres años.
Nowadays, they live in Cuba Actualmente, ellos __________ en Cuba.
Juan cleaned the car Juan _________ el auto.